Young Apprentice da Caixa – Your first job


Caixa Econômica Federal is a financial institution created over 150 years ago. And, there is an opportunity for teenagers to work at Caixa in a simple way, by simply enrolling in the Teenage Apprentice program.

The Teenager Aprendiz da Caixa is a program that the institution offers job vacancies so that young people can learn more about banking activities and functions.

The most important thing is that they learn more about citizenship practices, with high quality teaching, when young people are hired. So a young apprentice will be accompanied by a qualified Caixa employee.

The Teenage Apprentice Caixa program has a theoretical part, which is carried out with professional courses and theoretical knowledge, and a theoretical and practical part at Caixa branches, for the application of learning.

The contract is made by the Accredited Entity and the number of young people can reach 15% of the total number of employees. Therefore, the first thing is to register and send your CV online.


Advantages of the program

If hired, the youth will receive the amount of one minimum wage (R$ 954.00) monthly. But, it can change according to the number of hours worked and the actions performed, and, normally, the service time is between 4 hours and 6 hours a day. The remuneration amount is placed in the portfolio and the contractor will already be accounting for 2% of the FGTS.

Those who manage to be hired will also receive the 13th salary, with the right to paid vacation, transport vouchers to go to the workplace, food allowance. There is still an opportunity to be hired by Caixa. A young apprentice's contract can last up to 2 years.

Requirements to be a Teen Apprentice

Young people who want to participate in the selection process to get one of the places in the program, it is necessary to send a resume, and some basic and mandatory requirements:


It is necessary to be 14 years and 6 months up to 16 years incomplete to register;

Then you must send your resume and a document proving that you are enrolled in a high school and with good grades. The program helps to encourage further study;

In addition, the young person's family must have a maximum income of 50% corresponding to the value of one minimum wage. This measure allows Caixa to hire teenagers from low-income families.


To send your resume, you will need to consult the Partner Entity, as they are independent institutions that help the bank to hire young people.

Among the institutions that provide support to Caixa, the main one is CIEE, which has several units throughout Brazil. It is important that you make an appointment first to find out the number of vacancies at the nearest CIEE.

After that, your curriculum vitae must be registered, as well as the enrollment in the Teenager Apprentice da Caixa. There is also data and information on the CIEE website.