Against waste, all for our planet – Understand


Have you ever thought of fighting? against waste through your cell phone without leaving home? Well, with this app, it's easy. Nowadays, a glaring problem present in society is hunger. But what does this have to do with waste? All! Because it's not sensible to think it's normal to waste food while many starve. Every year tons and tons of food is wasted. and fight against waste it is something essential, out of respect for those who have been starving, and out of respect for our planet, which is being destroyed little by little by ourselves.

if you want to fight against waste, participating more actively in the defense of this cause, know that thanks to the Food to Save application you can do it. Without having to leave your couch. This is due to the ability of this platform to provide you with good prices and exceptional quality. In addition, the application is available for Android devices, which greatly facilitates the accessibility of the application.

Several establishments participate in the platform, and this is a way of showing the world that you really care about the environment. But the best part is yet to come. Because the application can in addition to fight against waste, to favor users and sellers who are partners of the application. This is your opportunity to be supportive and help the planet you live on, while ensuring savings at the end of the month.

against waste
against waste (image from Google)

Against waste – A big advantage

In addition to fighting waste, Food to safe offers customers great deals. These offers can reach 70% off. This is due to the excessive production of establishments. So that these foods are not thrown away, they are advertised with huge discounts. This in order to fight against waste and avoid losses caused by leftovers. Consequently benefiting not only users who wish to pay little for their food.

But also those who are unable to buy lunchboxes at full price and take advantage of these offers to be able to feed themselves with quality and nutritional flavor. For some, these methods may seem like little things. But have you ever thought about how a small act, together with other small ones, can reach a huge proportion? This is how demonstrations, revolutions, historical moments begin. 


So why not do our part and be part of this change in history? In addition, you may just be observing the establishments and evaluating what is interesting to you. Because to see the partner companies it is not necessary to register in the application. And the most interesting thing is that all establishments are close to your region. This is thanks to the GPS service, which brings you real-time location of the businesses around you.

Diversity against waste

Don't think that taking part in an action to fight waste means eating anything. Quite the opposite. The food offered is not leftovers, far from it! They are surplus foods, that is, they were made in excess. This is due to an attempt to meet a demand in the establishments, which is rarely fixed. The food is all prepared with care and dedication. 

You're just paying less for being the end of the day and trying to make the world a little more aware. In addition, in the application you will find several possibilities. Because in it you can be doing a complete search of restaurants in your region. Have you thought about buying, for example, a barbecue from Rio Grande do Sul with a 70% discount? That's a mouth-watering offer, don't you think?

The application does not have the possibility of delivery. You have to go to the place and make the withdrawal. For some, this can be a little uncomfortable. However, the restaurants found are in your area, making it easier to get to them. In addition to being able to walk around exploring new horizons and find different promotions. Order that Japanese food at 70% off and at the same time fight against waste. Is there anything better?

What does food to Save offer?

With food to save you can fight against waste in a more comfortable but effective way. Thinking about the different functions that the application offers, we decided to list some of these main points to highlight.

  • fight against waste
  • Buy food at great prices
  • Avoid damage in restaurant
  • Great deals on all foods
  • Platform support for users and partners
  • Location service to find establishments

How to install

If you are one of the people who are interested in this way of fighting waste and at the same time want benefits for your pocket, this is the application for you! Now, if you don't know where to find the app, know that downloading it is as easy as using it. For that, you don't need much.

First you will need to have enough storage for the download. In addition to Android version 5.0 or higher. But this is not usually a problem, as the application is very lightweight by today's standards. To find the application, just access the Google Play platform on your cell phone. In it you may be searching for Food to Save. And below the name of the application, you will have the option to install.

Now you are just a few clicks away from fighting waste! Isn't supporting an important cause really easier than it seems? If you are interested in improving your quality of life and helping our planet, know that we provide you with this! We have different tip categories, apps and more. All adding knowledge in some way. 

Good luck!