Auxílio Brasil – See how to register and receive


Do you know how to receive Brazil Aid? Throughout this article, we will see all the details about this year's aid, and we will also see how to continue receiving this precious benefit in these times of pandemic. Are you still entitled?

Although the current emergency aid amounts are very low, they end up helping families with lower incomes, in which case it is better to have something to receive than nothing. The best option is that vaccination continues to advance and that life can return to a "new normal".

O Brazil Aid, is a little different than last year’s emergency aid, considering that last year the aid was R$ 600 per person, and could reach R$ 1200 for single mothers, but currently, the rules are different.

aid Brazil
aid Brazil

Who is entitled to the Brazil Aid?

The Brazil aid will be fully paid, without the person having to make a new request, considering that in December 2020, they were already fully accredited to receive the aid. However, not everyone will continue to receive.

However, it is necessary to understand that in this new stage, some people who received it did not receive it this year, in view of the new rules. Let's see the details in this article.


The fact that you received aid in 2020 does not mean that you will also receive it in 2021, in view of the changes that govern emergency aid for the current year, which is why it is necessary to pay attention to every detail to know if you entitled or not to receive the aid in 2021.

Who will not receive the Brazil Aid?

  • People who, from last year to now, obtained a formal job and are active.
  • People who during this period also managed to receive their social security benefits, whether assistance or labor, however, for issues related to salary allowance, for example, or the Bolsa Família program, will not be cut, that is, they will continue to receive emergency aid.
  • People who have monthly family income above one minimum wage per person.
  • People who are part of a family with an income above 3 minimum wages.
  • Citizens who do not reside in Brazil, that is, are living abroad.
  • People who have been included as dependents on their 2019 income tax returns.

Rules for non-receipt

Citizens who have received taxable amounts greater than r$ 28,559 in 2019 will not be entitled to receive emergency aid in 2021, given that they had income, and therefore will not need help to help with the day's bills to day.

Persons who, up to December 31, 2019, owned or currently own goods, properties or rights worth more than r$ 300,000. It is worth remembering that the purpose of emergency aid is to help people who cannot earn income during the pandemic.

Spouses of people who receive some assistance, or fit into any of these items described above, are also not entitled to receive assistance, as well; child, stepchild, under 21, under 24 who are enrolled in higher education and secondary level.

Other reasons for impediment

People who died, and who are included in the federal government's database, or still have their CPF listed as the settlor, that is, who have the granting of the well-known death pension. That's why it's necessary to know this year's aid well.


Candidates who were canceled last year's emergency aid extension, for reasons of eligibility, are also prevented from receiving the new aid installments, possibly being disabled due to any of the items mentioned in this article, it's worth checking it out.

People who have not moved the amounts deposited in the Caixa Econômica social account, in this way the government understands that if the user did not use the money quickly, it is because he did not need it, which is why they were removed from the 2021 register.

Payment of Brazil Aid

Just like last year, the amount will be fully deposited into the Caixa Econômica Federal social account, there is no need to go through any process or open a new account, as everything will be done automatically. Exactly like last year, but with new values.

For people who receive the Bolsa Familia, it is also not necessary to make any kind of change, as they automatically started to receive the Brasil Aid, bearing in mind that the amount of the Brasil Aid can be higher than that of the Bolsa Familia.

For more information, just download the Auxílio Brasil app for free from your app store. In the case of users who receive Bolsa Família, and whose value exceeds that of the Brazil aid, the Bolsa Família values will apply.