Brazil Aid 2022 - New benefit that pays R$65.00 understand


You already know the new program of the Brazilian government, Brazil Aid 2022? The last few years have become increasingly difficult in relation to the Brazilian's finances. This is due to different factors that affect government management. An example of this is the pandemic, which ended up directly influencing the economy of, not only Brazil, but the world.

There was an increase in the number of people living in poverty and extreme poverty. This led to the idea of replacing the old Bolsa Familia. This was a federal government income transfer program. Its objective was to support extremely poor families. Trying to provide the way out of these families from their current conditions.

this new Brazil Aid 2022 also came with the intention of supporting these families. It would be like an updated version of this old Bolsa Familia program. In its most recent update, this new aid brought the (BCG) benefit of pregnant composition, which promises to provide an extra amount of R$ 65 (reais) during the nine months of pregnancy to beneficiaries.

Brazil Aid 2022
Auxilio Brasil 2022 (Google image)

Brazil Aid 2022 – Allowance for pregnant women

Supporting pregnant women is a government duty. We know that for many mothers this phase can be complicated, especially considering the financial situation. Because these mothers often have to stop working and are not always in formal jobs. Where could they be receiving support from the company.

This allowance from the 2022 Brazil Aid seeks to support mothers in this delicate situation. Ensuring protection for them and their babies throughout their gestation period. It is also interesting to say that this benefit is not only given to those who enroll at the beginning of their pregnancy. Which makes this program even more accessible.


In the BGE (Pregnant Composition Benefit) women who need to enroll will not be refused due to the stage of their pregnancy. And the best part! Even these pregnant women already in the pregnancy period, they will be able to receive all installments of this benefit referring to the months of pregnancy.

Brazil Aid 2022 – who receives

There are some necessary requirements to be able to receive your Brazil Aid 2022. Firstly, the pregnant woman must be part of a beneficiary family of the Brazil Aid 2022 program. Health for Primary Care.

It is also possible that she registers through the health network or even in the Auxílio Brasil na Saúde program system itself. In addition, it is necessary that the beneficiary family of the program be above the extreme poverty line. This means that the beneficiary family must have a monthly income of less than R$ 105 (Reais). 

It is interesting to remember that for everything to happen correctly, it is necessary to have all the documents updated in your registration. It is also important to say that families subject to emancipation rules can also become beneficiaries. That is, families that had an increase in their income after entering the program will also be able to continue as beneficiaries.

Documents required for registration

Lists will be passed monthly with the records of the new beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil 2022 program. These lists will be transmitted from the Ministry of Health to the Ministry of Citizenship. For the registration to be successful, it is necessary to present or update some data and documents on the platform. These data and documents are:

  • Beneficiary's full name; 
  • Gestational age (up to 42 weeks);  
  • Probable date of termination of pregnancy;
  • Base reference date (closing date of SISAB data);
  • National Health Card number (CNS);
  • Pregnancy status; 
  • CPF number;
  • Service date; 
  • Date of Last Menstruation; 
  • Date of birth.

how to register

For meet and registering for Auxílio Brasil 2022 does not take much effort. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of having and keeping the documents listed above up to date. Without them you cannot continue and receive your benefits. Following the requirements also mentioned above, you may be receiving the benefits of the BCG (Pregnant Composition Benefit).

You can use different means to receive benefits. It is possible, for example, to be using your Digital Social Savings Account. This makes life a lot easier for the beneficiary. This is because this savings account is created automatically by Caixa Econômica Federal when you become a beneficiary. Another interesting means is the Cash Deposit Account, which has been widely used in this program.

If this was a topic of great importance to you or even of interest to you, know that you can stay on top of much more. At the curious look we have different categories including great tips for you. Which makes staying on top of possible benefits much easier. To keep up to date and not fall behind, you need to have a curious eye.

I wish you all a great morning and good luck!