Lojas Americanas App – Buy directly from your Android or iPhone cell phone


How about doing your shopping at American Stores app? It is certainly a very relevant option when buying something online, as the app is full of exclusive novelties, not to mention the available tools that allow the user to quickly find what he wants.

Last year the application American Stores app, stood out in its category, due to the high number of users who used the app, without a doubt the growth of this application was no accident, its friendly interface, and the ease of finding promotions certainly made the app stand out.

Most users preferred to buy through the app American Stores app, than on the website on desktops, this trend is increasing considerably nowadays, users are rapidly migrating to e-commerce making their purchases on their cell phones.

Image: (Google) Lojas Americanas App

What are the advantages of the application American Stores app

The first great advantage of using the official Lojas Americanas application is undoubtedly the large number of promotions that appear in the app, not to mention that it is very easy to find electronics and other products, all quickly and easily, the convenience of today worth a lot.

And it doesn't stop there, if the user uses the store mode, for example, he will be able to see the main promotions of products closer to where he is at that moment, so he can buy in the physical store and already know what he wants and the price, it really is very relevant when closing the purchase.


The search option within the app is very satisfactory, as it actually delivers what the user typed in the search, not to mention that the artificial intelligence algorithm can quickly locate what the user is typing at the moment. Everything is very organized and divided into categories.

Main functions American Stores app

  • While searching for products in the app, the user can "favourite" the products that most attract his attention, comparing prices and seeing the real promotions of the moment.
  • Even during the research phase, it is possible to see freight rates and delivery dates for the product in question.
  • It is also interesting to see product reviews from customers who have already purchased them, and the most interesting thing is that this information is very visible.
  • Another striking feature is the speed with which the user can register in the app, as the customer will only be able to start buying if they have the registration, however, to search, you do not need to register, just enter and look at all the conditions and deadlines.

Buy via app or website

If we asked this question 2 years ago, the answer would certainly be through the website, as the PC screen was more user-friendly because it was bigger, and the purchase details, as well as the conditions and shipping, for example, were much easier to visualize . Among users over 50 years of age, purchasing through the site was unanimous.

However, nowadays, with the better quality of mobile internet networks, as well as the great improvement in shopping interfaces, millions of people have started to buy directly from their cell phones, using the exclusive app of the stores in question.

These days, in-app purchases are on a par with PC purchases, and in some cases, such as the under-35 age group, in-app purchases already exceed traditional desktop purchases. Young people are much more dynamic and decisive when it comes to buying.

Positive app rating points

The Lojas Americanas app has been very well evaluated by users, especially those users who are loyal customers of the store, and in some cases even before the digital age. The simple and objective interface makes it very easy to use the app for all age groups.


The idea of already bringing the highlights on sale on the home screen is also something very pleasant for users, after all, who do not like to buy products with low prices, right? And these are true promotions, because every day the customer is more willing to compare prices on the web.

The app's barcode reader works well and facilitates payments via internet banking, because when it comes to paying, having to type in those giant barcode numbers is really annoying.

How to download and install the app

The Lojas Americanas app is available free of charge at store play store, in the case of users using the Android system on their cell phone, just click, download the app and install. Everything is very easy to do.

For cell phone users who use the IOS system, just go to Apple Store, and download and install the app, everything is fast, intuitive and super easy to do, it's worth remembering that you need to be careful when buying.

To access more information and news about the main applications of the moment, visit our apps category and have fun with exclusive news! Good luck!