Mobile Antivirus – Here's How to Protect Yourself


At present the mobile antivirus it is indispensable. In view of the great evolution of smartphones that today have become better than many computers and notebooks. That's why their operating systems also need a good antivirus.

Not to mention a good mobile antivirus, where millions of financial transactions are made daily, it becomes practically mandatory, given this situation, the main developers of antivirus software that only worked on desktops and notebooks, started to invest in the app format as well.

To get an idea, the company that develops mobile antivirus, Sophos Labs, in a recent survey found more than 650,000 (six hundred and fifty thousand) viruses, just for the Android system. You really need to have a good antivirus on your phone. Let's see in this article the best options.

Image: (Google)

Best antivirus for mobile

The first relevant question for users looking for an antivirus is whether they can access the application for free. That's why we're going to show you some options with this profile, and that meet the needs of the most common users who use the Android system.

  • Sofhos: Very intuitive and really easy to use application, it fulfills well what is expected of a good mobile antivirus. In the premium version the ads do not appear
  • 360 Security: It has one of the best tools in this segment, which is the tool against theft of the device, in addition to complete protection in real time.
  • Eset: The great advantage of this antivirus is that it can also be used on tablets, another highlight is the interface that is really eye-popping.
  • Avl: Lightweight, practical and has good solutions to block unwanted malware.

There are nowadays a very varied range when it comes to antivirus for mobile phones, in addition to the apps mentioned above that are free, but also have more complete versions, there are other apps in the category that are more robust and paid. Ideas for a very specific audience.


Having a mobile antivirus can compromise your cell phone

Let's say that your cell phone is working perfectly, everything is going very well, and suddenly a few days after installing a cell phone antivirus, your device starts to slow down or is no longer able to participate in tasks that used to run smoothly.

There are antiviruses for cell phones that are quite heavy, so even if the cell phone is almost full and the user installs a more robust antivirus, it can cause some bugs in the system that are really annoying. The tip is to use a lighter antivirus that does not keep the device from running your apps.

It is also important to know well the tools that the antivirus makes available, in this way you can avoid that it is constantly scanning the cell phone completely. Not to mention the memory cards that may be attached to the device, thus increasing the scanning time.

Is mobile antivirus protection essential?

If we start from the point of view that the cell phone currently performs such important tasks, such as financial transactions made nationally and internationally, in addition to containing your data and practically everything related to the user's life, the answer is yes! Having a good mobile antivirus is almost mandatory.

And if we go a little deeper, and remember that there are more than 600,000 viruses for Android systems alone, and that these malware often have the function of spying on behavior, acquiring passwords or even monitoring your steps. Knowing all this, would users be without a mobile antivirus?


For those who use their cell phones a lot for the financial market, for example, making large investments through stock exchange apps, it pays to have a paid and dedicated antivirus, as the risk of having a great loss caused by malware, for example, exists and it can give you quite a headache.

Mobile antivirus crash

If we look at the history of the last 2 years, we can say that the current antiviruses are very reliable and do what they promise. However, we must not forget that virus developers also improve every day. The tip is to keep your mobile antivirus always up to date.

As reliable as it is, the antiviruses that exist on the market today are not perfect or fail-safe, not to mention that many users do not know how to use the tools that the antivirus in question is offering well, and sometimes for that very reason makes it vulnerable to malicious software attacks.

It is worth remembering that malicious attacks can damage the system, which can only return to normal if you format the cell phone, not to mention the headache to configure the device all over again, as some viruses are so complex that they need to reset the device as if it were leaving from factory.

How to Download and Install Mobile Antivirus

Bearing in mind all the relevant information in this article, and with this information in hand and with your preferred antivirus properly chosen, just go to the store accredited, and type in the search the name of the antivirus you have chosen.

It's worth remembering that you need to research well so you don't acquire what you don't need. For more information and app news go to the apps category. Good luck! And be careful with your choices.