Record your voice โ€“ Learn how to use the voice recorder


Are you looking for a way to send audios and record your voice? Today we bring you an alternative for those who don't have or still don't know a good voice recorder. We know that the media in audio format as we know it, are in your audio. Because of this, many people have been looking for state-of-the-art recorders.

record your voice it is no longer a difficulty and is now one of the most used alternatives in many countries. As expected, there are applications that exceed expectations and manage to surprise us even among the many others available. How many users of this type of platform end up downloading the first app they find in front of them.

But even though they have the option to record your voice, most of the time we end up frustrating ourselves. We studied several applications and reached a consensus to choose the one that best suits us at the moment. Today you are going to get to know the new platform that has been successful in audio recordings and learn how to download it for free.

Record your voice โ€“ Utilities

Nowadays, recording your voice can be a big step towards success. Many people think that this type of file is only shared on platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook, but this is a big illusion. Yes, we can share quick audios through social networks, but have you thought about going further with these media?


If you are a creative person, a great opportunity for you is to use this online recorder as a tool for your ideas. We can see thousands of singers producing songs inside their own homes. How do you think this is possible? The vast majority use voice recorders downloaded to their computers or cell phones.

If you're interested in starting with an app that offers many functions and brings quality to you, this is your chance! Besides making songs you can also record your presentation for a job or even a podcast for your YouTube channel. The possibilities are diverse and you can use your creativity to the fullest!

record your voice
Record your voice (Google image)

Record your voice โ€“ Quality available 

If you found the possibilities of recording your voice interesting, know that an application that provides good functions makes all the difference! Recording just isn't enough. It is necessary to record with quality so that the audio is understood by anyone who listens to it. This is already very good in an application considering that the vast majority have good quality.

But an application that we brought you today can go further! With it you can work your voice in a way that it stays the way you want. Thus making the result even more professional. Doing a job well done and showing that you provided the best for those who will listen to you makes the difference and your results.

Whether it's music, recorded lectures or even podcasts, presenting professional-looking content makes it more pleasing to everyone's ears. But that's not all, as the Fรกcil Voice Recorder makes a point of providing its users with several interesting options to interact with. What to know more? Just stay with us until the end?



When you go to record your voice using this application, you will soon notice that its functions make a big difference in general use. The problems and stresses that the vast majority of people encounter have been resolved on this platform. For you to understand how the smallest details can make your experience better, we decided to make a list of the main ones for you!

  • It is possible to record with higher than standard audio quality;
  • You have a history of recordings to find the most recent ones more easily;
  • It is possible to monitor the recording time and interact with the start and pause at any time;
  • You can record with your cell phone or tablet easily;
  • It is possible to open the files on your phone using the platform.

free installation

If you are interested in this application that is capable of recording your voice, it's time to go a step further and understand how your download can be done. For this you will need a phone with internet access, preferably a wi-fi connection. In our case, we will be using a phone with an Android operating system and the Google Play platform.

This platform allows Android system users to legitimately download any application. This is currently the safest method and has a feedback system that will let you know what people think about the app you want to download. Within the platform you can interact with a search bar on the homepage.

With it you are able to search for the application you are interested in downloading and see various information about it. To install it is very easy because the option is just below its title. Our blog It has several applications that have interesting functions for your day to day and even for work. All this available in our different categories.

A good day to all!