Portuguese Quiz App – Questions and answers about the Portuguese language


Have you ever heard about the Portuguese quiz app? If this is your interest or you are not aware of what it is, this may be your opportunity to stay on top of what the Portuguese quiz app can provide you. We know that Portuguese is considered one of the most difficult languages internationally to learn.

Not only can we see people from different countries having difficulties learning our language, but even Brazilians face some difficulties in making their Portuguese one hundred percent. Over the years, different learning methods have been developed so that people can improve their pronunciation and knowledge of the language.

Technologies came to add to this learning process, facilitating the way in which we learn. We'll talk about the Portuguese quiz app. This is an app that has been very successful among Portuguese students in recent times. And that's why we think it's worth bringing this valuable information about how this application works and what it offers to its users.

Portuguese Quiz App
Portuguese Quiz App (Google image)

Portuguese Quiz App – Method

The Portuguese Quiz app has a very interesting method to teach Portuguese to its users. A very interesting point to talk about is the distance study method that the application offers. EAD became very well known during and after this pandemic time. And this app uses a method similar to this one.

Users who want to learn Portuguese in an easy and organized way will be able to access all knowledge within the application. They could be studying anytime of the day and anywhere they want. This is because the app is compatible with cell phones and tablets. Which makes studying with mobility on your side something guaranteed when using this application.


Another interesting point is that the app can identify the level of learning you are. This allows you to start at the most appropriate level for your knowledge and progress during your studies. This is all thanks to a great organization of the knowledge used for each moment of your studies.

Portuguese Quiz App – Contents

As said before, the Portuguese Quiz App allows its users to start learning to study from easier to more difficult levels. This method is used by several Portuguese schools and allows students to take one step at a time. Having a good study base will make learning more difficult content easy and natural.

On the platform, you will first be introduced to how the application works. He will bring you some questions according to the level you chose. These questions are of varied content and, in addition to testing your knowledge, will help you to understand better through your mistakes. An example of this are the questions that refer to phonetics, morphology and spelling.

These three specific lines are among the level questions, but don't worry if you don't know the answer to a question. The aim is to train your knowledge. When you get a question wrong and run after the correct answer, you are studying where and why you made a mistake. And over time what used to be difficult will be as easy as the first questions you answered in the app.

Best of Quiz 

The Portuguese Quiz app brings a wide range of questions and topics to its users. Depending on your level, you will receive different questions. With them being quite varied to explore how far knowledge will go. For you to have a better idea of how this works and what kind of questions you will receive, we decided to list the main topics covered in this application.

  • In the easy level you 10 questions referring to spelling, morphology and phonetics;
  • In the next level, medium level, you will find another 20 questions with a little more level. In this level you will see questions from the previously covered topics and some extras such as sentence syntax;
  • In the last level, which is the difficult level, you will find a total of 30 questions with the topics covered previously. But in addition you will also find conducting, stylistic and semantic issues.

how to find 

to find the app Portuguese quiz first I need internet access and a cell phone. After that, you should check if your device has enough internal storage to download the application. In addition, your Android must be compatible or superior to that required by the platform.

After checking these requirements, you can find the Google Play platform on your mobile phone. This platform aims to enable its Android users to download various applications safely. Whether they are free or not, you won't have to worry about viruses or information theft while using the apps.

Already on the platform, just look for the search bar where you will enter the name of the desired app. I will search for the title you want, it will probably be the first one on the list. The option to install and install just below its name. And you can find many other contents like this in our blog. Being able to know and learn about several other interesting topics like this.

Good luck!