App to control diabetes – See how it works


How about meeting one diabetes management app? That's right, this time the developers got it right, because controlling the glycemic index is something really complicated and very difficult to do. Nothing better than having technology help for this.

Anyone who knows a person who has diabetes, or even has the disease itself, knows that the great difficulty is the glycemic rate, as it needs to be controlled. When the level is too high, hyperglycemia occurs, but when it is too low, hypoglycemia occurs.

That's why having a diabetes management app, can be very useful for people with this condition, which is why the ”Glic” application manages to control blood glucose in a very interesting way. It is very easy to use, in addition to being very intuitive.

diabetes management app
Image: (Google) Application to control diabetes

Glic – Application to control Diabetes

This fantastic application works by collecting records during the day, of blood glucose, food, and medications, in this way, the application can make a connection with partner doctors of the platform in question. Everything is well optimized, and easy to make a medical prescription.

The app's developers, before creating it, had already been suffering from the effects of diabetes, what they managed to do was help people solve their health problems through their own knowledge of the disease. It was a true story.


Developers often say that the application works exactly like a compass, for those who need treatment, in everyday life, users can enter data to facilitate a possible medical prescription. It just takes a little time to do this.

Who needs to use an app to manage diabetes

This application is indicated for people who have diabetes, or who are possibly in a state of pre-diabetes, as this would help to prevent the evolution of the disease, it is also indicated for people who live with diabetics to help them control their glycemic indices.

For this very reason, the application aims to improve people's quality of life, the application optimizes our time, considering the speed and number of tasks we need to perform during the day. It really works very well, and has brought great results.

The tip is, if you are already diabetic, or are pre-diabetic, regardless of whether you use an application or not, you need to control your blood glucose through food and physical exercise, it is worth remembering that the practice of meditation also helps to control anxiety thus decreasing the number of foods eaten.

Calculating the insulin dose

The application is fantastic, as it offers a nutrition table, which contains more than 1,500 foods, so that you can understand the amount of carbohydrates you are ingesting, it is also possible to monitor how you are using the medication. All in a few clicks.


Through the data placed on the platform, it is possible to calculate the amount of insulin that needs to be administered, exactly by knowing the amount of fat intake that the user ingested throughout the day. You need to be aware of the dice, as throwing them correctly makes all the difference.

The "Glic" application also ends up generating several reports with graphics that help in the treatment. The platform uses the data entered by the patient to indicate the best form of treatment and their day-to-day habits. The app is also highly rated by users.

Key features of the Glic app

  • Calculate the glycemic index daily.
  • Show the amount of insulin that needs to be given.
  • Help diabetic or pre-diabetic patients to better understand their diet.
  • The app is available for iOS and Android for free.
  • The platform has partner doctors for better results.
  • Speed in use and optimization and use of results

How to download the app

If the user is diabetic, pre-diabetic or even knows people close to him who suffer from the ailments of this disease, he can download 100% free of charge, for Android the accredited store is the Play Store, and for the iOS system it is the Apple store store.

For more information and tips on new apps, visit our apps category.

It is worth remembering that it takes a lot of willpower to change old habits, which ended up making the body sick, which is why the application is just a very competent assistant, to help people keep their glycemic indexes completely under control.