App to digitally sign documents – How to download


Technological advances have allowed many tasks to be carried out more quickly and efficiently.

One of these tasks is signing documents, which can now be done digitally through specific applications.

These applications are known as “App to digitally sign documents” and are becoming increasingly popular among companies and individuals.

Using these applications, it is possible to sign documents in a secure and legally valid way, without the need to print, sign and scan physical documents.

This saves time and money, as well as helping to preserve the environment. Some of these applications also offer additional features, such as the ability to send documents for other people to digitally sign, making the process even more agile and practical.


Understanding Digital and Electronic Signature

What is an Electronic Signature

Electronic signature is a document authentication method that can be done digitally.

It is used to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, in addition to guaranteeing the identity of the signatory.

What is a Digital Signature

Digital signature is a more advanced form of electronic signature that uses encryption to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the electronic document.

It uses a digital certificate, which is issued by a Certification Authority, to guarantee the identity of the signatory.

Legal Validity and eIDAS Compliance

Digital and electronic signatures have legal validity and are recognized by Brazilian legislation. Furthermore, they comply with the European Union eIDAS Regulation, which means they are recognized throughout the European Union.


Benefits of Digital and Electronic Signatures

Digital and electronic signatures offer several benefits over conventional paper signatures. Some of these benefits include:

Security: Digital and electronic signatures are more secure than paper signatures as they use encryption to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the electronic document.

Agility: digital and electronic signatures allow documents to be signed remotely, which makes the process more agile and efficient.

Sustainability: digital and electronic signatures reduce the need to print documents on paper, which contributes to preserving the environment.

Savings: Digital and electronic signatures reduce the costs of printing, sending and storing paper documents.

How to Use Document Signing Apps

Digitally signing documents is one of the most convenient and efficient ways to manage important files.

With the help of document signing apps, you can sign, send and manage documents quickly and easily without the need to print, scan or send physical documents.

In this section, we'll explore how to use these apps to digitally sign documents.

Choosing the Right Application

There are many document signing apps available on the market, each with its own features and functionalities.

Before choosing an app, it's important to consider your specific needs, such as the type of documents you need to sign, the number of documents you need to manage, and your budget.

Some popular options include DocuSign, Adobe Sign, and SignNow. These apps offer features such as the ability to sign PDF, Word and Excel documents, login with Google Drive, social media integration and push notifications.

Digital Signature Process

The process of digitally signing a document is simple and easy. First, the user must upload the document to the document signing app.

Then, the user must add signature fields to the relevant places in the document. Then, the user can send the document to the signatories, who can sign it electronically using an electronic signature created by the application.

Document Management After Signing

Once a document is digitally signed, it can be managed easily and efficiently using the document signing app.

Documents can be scanned, compressed, joined and edited, in addition to being protected with confidentiality and security features.

Additionally, users can manage their documents online, accessing them from anywhere using a mobile device or tablet.

In short, document signing apps offer a convenient and efficient solution for managing important documents.

With features such as electronic signatures, signature fields, ndas, and integration with other productivity tools, these applications can significantly improve the workflow and productivity of businesses and individuals.