App to learn to speak Korean – How to download


Learning a new language can be a challenging task, but with the advancement in technology, it is now possible to learn anywhere, anytime.

If you are interested in learning Korean, there are many apps available that can help. In this article, you will discover the best apps for learning to speak Korean.

The Korean language is spoken by more than 75 million people around the world, mainly in South Korea and North Korea.

Learning to speak Korean can be an exciting way to connect with Korean culture and meet new people.


Additionally, many international companies are looking for people who speak Korean, making it a valuable skill in the job market.

With a language learning app, you can start learning Korean in an easy and fun way.

Starting with Korean

If you are interested in learning Korean, you can start with the basics. There are many tools and resources available to help you learn the Hangul alphabet, basic pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary.

Additionally, there are many levels of learning, from beginner to advanced, and many interactive learning methods.

Hangul Alphabet and Basic Pronunciation

The Hangul alphabet is made up of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. It is important to learn the correct pronunciation of these consonants and vowels to be able to read and write Korean.

There are many apps available such as Lingodeer and Memrise that can help you learn the Hangul alphabet and basic pronunciation.


Starting Tools and Resources

There are many tools and resources available to help you start learning Korean. Some of the most popular apps include Lingodeer, Memrise, and Tengugo Hangul.

These apps are available for iOS, Android, and Chrome, and offer a variety of features such as games, quests, audio files, and videos from native speakers.

Basics of Grammar and Vocabulary

To learn Korean, it is important to have a basic understanding of grammar and vocabulary.

There are many resources available to help you learn Korean phrases, Korean grammar, greetings, and common expressions. Some of the most popular apps include Lingodeer, Memrise, and Haja.

Learning Levels

There are many levels of learning available for those who want to learn Korean. Some of the most common levels include beginner, intermediate, and advanced.


For those who want to test their skills, TOPIK is a standard exam that measures Korean proficiency.

Interactive Learning Methods

There are many interactive learning methods available for those who want to learn Korean. Some of the most popular apps include Lingodeer, Memrise, and Tengugo Hangul.

These apps offer games, quests, and other interactive activities to help you learn Korean in a fun and interactive way.

Listening and Speaking Practice

To learn Korean, it is important to practice listening and speaking. There are many resources available, such as Membot, which offers conversation practice with native speakers.

Additionally, listening to music, watching Korean TV shows and movies, and cultural and language immersion can also help improve your listening and speaking skills.

Cultural and Linguistic Immersion

For those who want to learn Korean in more depth, cultural and linguistic immersion is a great option.

This may include listening to Korean music, watching Korean TV shows and movies, learning about Korean art and history, and attending Korean cultural events.

Cultural and linguistic immersion can help you improve your understanding of the Korean language and culture.

Delving deeper into the Language

For those who want to develop their fluency and advanced understanding of Korean, there are many resources available for advanced practitioners.

These resources include specialized apps, websites, and services that help improve Korean speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

Developing Fluency and Advanced Understanding

Resources available for advanced practitioners include apps such as “Infinite Korean,” “Korlink,” and “Lingodeer,” which offer advanced courses in Korean grammar, transcription, and vocabulary.

Additionally, “Mango Languages” and “Memrise” offer resources to practice speaking and listening in Korean.

Resources for Advanced Practitioners

For those who want to connect with the Korean community and practice their speaking skills, there are many resources available.

YouTube and TikTok are great platforms for finding videos from native Korean speakers, as well as pronunciation and grammar tutorials.

The “iVisitKorea” platform also offers resources to connect with Korean culture, including cooking classes, traditional festivals and sightseeing tours.

Connecting with the Community

Specialized services and subscriptions are also available for those who want to improve their Korean skills.

“Topik” is a Korean proficiency test that is widely recognized around the world and is often required to work or study in South Korea.

There are also subscription services, such as “Learn Korean” and “KoreanClass101”, which offer advanced resources for intermediate and advanced practitioners.

Specialized Services and Subscriptions

For those who want to prepare for Korean proficiency tests, there are many resources available.

“Topik” is a Korean proficiency test that is widely recognized around the world and is often required to work or study in South Korea.

There are also subscription services, such as “Learn Korean” and “KoreanClass101”, which offer advanced resources for intermediate and advanced practitioners.

Preparing for Proficiency Tests

In short, there are many resources available for those who want to deepen their Korean knowledge and connect with the Korean community.

With a variety of apps, services, and specialized subscriptions, you can develop advanced skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing Korean.
