Virtual piggy bank app – How to download and save online


Have you ever thought about how it could be easier to save your money with an online application that helps you? meet the virtual piggy bank app! It is not news that the Brazilian economy is currently in a very delicate moment. All money is welcome. In order for the accounts to close at the end of the month, you need to have discipline and intelligence with your money.

O virtual piggy bank app It has several functions to make managing your money much easier and more practical. In past decades it was even common for sources of information to be scarce. However, with modern times this has changed. Now it's much easier to stay informed about all things business. Thus making you get closer to your dreams!

As virtual piggy bank app you don't need to have knowledge and mastery over the business. Well, that's exactly his job. I can always make an important purchase if you have that fear and insecurity when closing the contract. This app even facilitates the way you shop. Because he gives you tips and helps you better understand which investment is best for you.

virtual piggy bank app
Virtual piggy bank app (Google image)

Virtual piggy bank app - Best calculator you've ever seen

The virtual piggy bank app brings you a wide range of resources, and that makes a company different. An example of this is an initiative that Banco Neon had to help its customers. Using the mobile app, you now find the goals feature. This feature is intended to help customers achieve financial goals. Which gives you several benefits.

An example of this is to be saving and earning your money effectively. In order to be able to make, for example, your trip at the end of the year or even buy a car. This resource you have real data of your income, expenses and so on. Which makes you always aware of everything that happens with your money. In addition to being something very useful, it saves hours that would be spent doing these calculations.


Also, something quite interesting is the simulation system. In it you are able to simulate values and installments of a purchase. This helps the client not to incur debts that currently do not fit into their budget. Also, another very interesting thing is that you can program the application to perform tasks at certain times. Like for example programming a future investment.

Virtual piggy bank app – Various possibilities

In the virtual piggy bank app you also stay on top of benefits from other banks. Another very good example is Banco do Brasil. The application of this bank also has a tool very similar to the one mentioned above, the bank neon. With it you can make it much easier to manage your income.

Managing an income doesn't just mean spending less than you earn. You can also be investing your money. Which is very easy at Banco do Brasil. It is possible to invest in different fixed income securities, for example. Which are rents where the money is safe. It may yield less, but it's a guaranteed profit with an extremely low risk rate.

In Poupança dos Sonhos, which is the resource offered by Banco do Brasil, you can be aware of several things. All data related to your money is in the palm of your hands. It is also interesting to say that it helps in your life in general. Because it also has the function of being programmed for a future purchase or programmed eventuality.

Application benefits 

The virtual piggy bank app seeks to be a partner in your financial life. Its main idea is to help the way customers deal with their finances. Which is a mutual benefit. Because more money in the customer's account also means more circulation in banks. Below are some benefits that we consider essential for your income and your life in general.

  • Easy access to users;
  • Light application;
  • Low data usage;
  • Customer support;
  • Administration of data and finances securely;
  • Tips and hints in the app;
  • Help in financial investments.

How to find the app

If you normally have trouble meet and install apps, we have great news for you! Downloading the virtual piggy bank app is as easy as using it. For that, first I need to check your phone's hardware. The application has very light requirements, which makes it more accessible to people. On your phone, you need to have enough download storage.

In addition, the application also requires Android version 5.0 or higher. To find it, you first need to access the Google Play platform. This platform already comes standard on Android phones. Which makes downloading the app a lot less complicated. In fact, downloading is not at all complicated.

On the platform you can go to the search bar and search for virtual piggy bank. The application will be listed on the platform and will likely be one of the first found. If you are interested in good management of your finances, know that in curious look we help you with that! This is due to our various categories and tips available to you.

Happy reading and good!