Application to train English with music – See which is the best


Did you know there is app to train english with music? Learning a new language can be a decision that will change the course of your life, when you start to understand a new language, you will also understand a new culture, thus connecting with other people.

Currently, there are several methods to learn English, however, this task becomes much simpler when we insert music in context, because learning to sing is much easier and more fun than just studying. It really is much more productive.

That's why it exists app to train english with music, it even exists for other languages, we will learn throughout this article which are the main applications that can teach you to master another language through music. Let's go friends!

Application to train English with music
Image: (Google) Application to train English with music

App to train English with music – The best

  • Sounter: with this application, which is exclusive to Android, users can start learning languages; Spanish and English, through several songs, in this way, it is possible to do exercises through the songs, completing the missing parts.
  • Bilinguapp: this application is available for IOS and also for Android, with it, the user will be able to start practicing several languages, the most used being English. You can use audio books to facilitate interaction with the culture and language.
  • Genius song lyrics and more: the purpose of this application, which is available for Android and IOS, is to deliver a much deeper experience through musical lyrics. The platform also searches for the meaning of the letters, so we can better understand how to use the language in practice.

Application to train English with music – Other options

Today there are sensational applications to master other languages through music, whether through music or even better understanding the culture of the country in question through music, so if you want to master a second language, the tip is to do it through music , as it is much faster and much easier.


Another interesting application is the application called "Cake", which is for you to practice speaking, it is also available for Android and IOS, with it the user can practice speaking, that is, the sound of your English, the platform is super smart, super friendly and super easy to use.

Applications that work on phonetics are very interesting, as they tend to improve the student's pronunciation, and on top of that they will improve their fluency, given that music works content in a deeper way and also in a more interesting way for the brain.

What are the benefits of learning a language?

  • There is a wide range of advantages when it comes to learning a second language, as in addition to increasing your intellect and culture, it can bring you a good income, bearing in mind that you will begin to interact with other countries and with other people, that way, your opportunities increase a lot.
  • Mainly in the business world, it is essential to master at least English, but the main executives always also master Spanish and often Italian and German too, which are the main languages in the world today, for the most daring, Chinese and Japanese are also important.
  • Not to mention that it is possible to do freelance work over the internet, doing simultaneous translations, or even transcribing texts into other languages, and being able to earn good money with that too. To do this, search for freelancing platforms on the web.

Music as a tool

Music is one of the main tools for memorizing and also for learning new content, especially for people who are over 30, because from that age on we begin to decrease our ability to learn new activities.

Music can really deepen us in context, it's much better to learn through deep meanings of lyrics that were made by people who live in that country, than just learning literal translations in books trying to memorize everything.

Not to mention that it's much more fun and dynamic for you to listen to songs, sing the songs, and complete the songs, and understand the culture and depth of the lyrics at that moment of study, that's why the golden tip is to always use music to learn better !

How to download the app

If the user wants to take advantage of all the advantages of one of these applications shown in this article, he must first be aware of whether it is available for his system, Android or iOS, knowing that, just download, install, and start using the application.


The applications of this modality are very intuitive and have very easy-to-use interfaces, in a few clicks it is possible to start studying the language of your choice. Always look for applications that have more downloads and more reviews, so you don't get frustrated.

For more information about cool apps, visit our apps category. Good luck!
