Best app to create stories – Find out what they are


You already know what is currently considered, best app to create stories? With the arrival of social networks, different ways in which people show themselves to society have emerged. Evolving this transforming to the demand of Internet users. Not only publications have been the target of great demand for posts, but also the stories made by users of these networks.

To some it may seem that making these forms of media more professional is silly. However, this is something that, in addition to being to the personal taste of each one. It is also related to the quality of work of those who earn money through social media. Due to this demand, of personal taste and work, applications were created and developed. 

With the aim of facilitating the way in which the quality of these stories is improved. Today we will bring you a review of the apps, InShot and StoryArt. Both are available for Android and IOS platform and are eligible to receive the title of best app to create stories. This greatly facilitates the overall accessibility of these applications. Providing great posts!

Best app to create stories
Best app to create stories (Google image)

Best app to create stories – InShot

This first app is considered to be the best app for creating stories. InShot has been gaining a very large audience lately. Especially during the pandemic, where people invested a little of their time to have this greater contact with modern technologies. What brought different knowledge to these people.

The app itself has different photo and video editing features. All edits are possible using just your mobile phone. Which makes it much easier and more practical to edit these media. In it you can be editing your photos in different ways as well as videos. There are features that are unique to videos. Like for example changing the speed at which they occur.


In addition, you can also trim these videos and add music. Which allows your creativity to further improve the application's options. In the photos you can be changing several things, such as luminosity, contrast, shadows and much more. If you are looking for a complete application, this one is perfect for you. But stay tuned because there's one more app, which is just as good!

Best app to create stories – StoryArt

For many social media users, StoryArt is undoubtedly the best app to create stories. This is another market giant that, like the previous one, is completely free. Which makes it very easy to start making your posts more professional without the need for an initial expense. In addition, it is also compatible with the vast majority of phones. 

For your Android fun requirement is not very high. This application has a very beautiful and sophisticated layout. This is very interesting when looking through the application. Because its beauty manages to captivate its users. But don't think that this app only has a “pretty face”. It also features several functions that greatly facilitate the way you make edits.

It also helps those who don't quite understand how to use it. Having templates ready for your stories. This makes it easy to use even for those who consider themselves laymen when it comes to working on the internet. In addition to being useful for many who do not have time to really dedicate themselves to the previous edition of their publications. So for those who don't have time available, this app is the solution.

Best app features

Both apps mentioned are not considered the best app to create stories for nothing. They contain several benefits. And it's no joke! There are really many possibilities. Thinking about all the functions that the apps offer, we decided to list the best points to make it easier for our readers to understand.

  • Video speed change;
  • Different functions to change brightness, contrast, shadow and etc;
  • Video cuts and collages;
  • Sounds for videos;
  • Sharpness change;
  • Application support to users;
  • Support for files of different formats and sizes;
  • Sample or base edits for your stories.

How to find apps

For find these apps some basic requirements are needed. But do not worry! With this step-by-step guide, you can download the best app to create stories easily. The application is available on the Google Play platform. This is a platform where you can find different free apps safely 

To download this application first check your Android version. They require at least Android version 5.0. in addition to having enough internal storage for the download. To download enter Google Play and through the search bar search for the name of the applications. When you find them, you will notice below their name an option marked in green, written install.

After this process, just wait a few moments and the application will be ready for use. At the curious look we seek to provide readers with different information in order to improve their knowledge and quality of life. So we invite you to know our tips category. Thus, you stay on top of important matters for your day to day.

Good luck and happy reading!