Free Online Recipes – Best Apps


Have you ever thought about learning different free online recipes without too much headache? With the apps covered in this article today, you'll learn how easy it is. Food is essential for people. However, good nutrition is not simply taking anything and eating to fill your belly. You need to eat correctly. 

When eating, you have to worry about your health. Always looking at the food you consume and its quality. Balancing for example carbohydrate, fat and protein is something that makes a difference in your quality of life and food. While it's important to eat healthy, you also need to do delicious things.

Because eating in general is something very pleasurable. Therefore, today we will enter two applications of free online recipes for you to have quality and flavor in your food. Both apps are highly regarded and available for free. Which makes your access easy and fast. So take advantage, because this is your chance!

free online recipes
Free online recipes (Google Image)

Free online recipes – Easy Recipes

With the app “Receitas Fáceis” you can have good food in the most delicious way possible. The application has different free online recipes. Which makes eating so much more interesting. This is due to the diversity of foods present in the recipes of this application. With it you can plan a whole day without having to break your head for it.

There are different menus that accompany your entire day to day. You might be picking up and learning recipes for your breakfast, for example. There are several possibilities for those who love a strong coffee or even those who opt for a light snack. You might also be looking at various recipes for your lunch. Never getting stuck without knowing what to do.


The application also brings those recipes that save the day to day diet. Bringing snack options between main meals. Where among these snacks can you find different super light options. Not interfering so much with your summer diet, for example. The app is not focused on the FIT world. However, its diversity allows it to be possible to eat well and in a balanced way.

Free online recipes – Light Recipes

If you're looking for a free online recipe app really geared towards the FIT world, this is the app for you! With light recipes you can keep your diet eating very well. With this app you can find recipes for different types of diet. An example of this is low carb diets. For those who don't know, this is a no-carb diet.

The application seeks to balance all macro-nutrients according to your diet. Which means that all those who want to have a FIT diet can have satisfactory results. The application in general is very simple. Which in our opinion is a very good thing. With it, the user doesn't get lost among the options. Because its use is very intuitive.

The application has been online for a few years and has been doing a great job. And this can be noticed due to the good feedbacks from users. For those who want an application as light as their recipes, completely free of charge, this is the application! By combining the tips for his diet that he brings with physical exercises, it is much easier to reach the desired body.

general benefits 

Both free online recipe apps bring various functions to the users. Thus contributing with a good flavor and a good quality of food. A very interesting tip is to use the two together. Because it ends up contributing to the other. Due to the great benefits they bring to users, we decided to list the best points of these applications for our readers.

  • Great diversity of recipes;
  • Different foods are used;
  • Balanced food reconciled with great prices;
  • Both apps are lightweight and free to download;
  • Application aimed at complete and balanced nutrition (Easy Recipes);
  • Application focused on FIT recipes (Light Recipes);
  • Both have user support and option to suggest new recipes.

How to install apps

If you are interested in these apps of free online recipes, know that downloading them is not very difficult. For this, it is necessary to check if your phone has the requirements demanded by the application. First you need to look at the amount of internal storage available. In addition, it is also necessary to have a cell phone with an Android version compatible with the current version of the applications.

After checking these requirements, you may already be following this step by step. In practice, you need to look for the Google Play platform. Through it you can find several applications in a safe and free way for download. Already on the platform, you can use the search bar to search for the name of the applications.

Right after doing this search, you will be finding the applications through their title. Below this title, in green color, you will find the option to install. If you are interested in knowing different applications that help in your day to day like these, you are in the right place. For in our blog you have different categories of tips and much more!

Happy reading and good luck!