Good and cheap cell phone – Discover the best current options up to R$ 999 cell phones in 2022


Do you know how to choose one good and cheap cell phone? Considering that nowadays, there are countless models and a wide range of brands, actually choosing a smartphone has become a slightly more difficult task than a few years ago, where the offer for products was much smaller.

There are very expensive cell phones nowadays, such as the famous iPhones, which can cost more than r$ 11,000, if you are not part of that select group that can buy smartphones that cost more than r$ 10,000, stay with us in this article, because we are going to show you the best cellular options in the year 2022, up to r$ 1,000.

For you to know how to choose one good and cheap cell phone it is first necessary to understand your profile, that is, the way in which you use your smartphone, if you are a common user, that is, you only use social media, answer calls, there are very interesting options on the market.

good and cheap cell phone
Image: (Google) Good and cheap cell phone

How to choose a good and cheap cell phone

As we said above, it depends a lot on your profile, if you need a lot of speed on your cell phone, as well as a lot of internal storage, you should opt for cell phones that deliver these possibilities, however, the more internal space and more processing power, the more expensive will be the mobile.

There are people who like to play on their smartphones and who usually spend hours playing games on their cell phones, so you will need a cell phone with good processing, in addition to having good RAM memory, these attributes also end up making the smartphone more expensive.


The vast majority of people use their cell phones to access social networks, as well as send WhatsApp messages and make calls, so if you are one of these users, we present below a list of the best cell phones you can buy with r$ 1,000.

How to choose a good and cheap cell phone – Models 

The first model that we are going to mention in this article is the ”Realme 11 that costs around r$ 728, the brand is dedicated to creating intermediate devices with good prices. Despite being new, the company is already the sixth largest on the planet when it comes to device sales and amazing! It has only three years of operation.

The technical sheet of this cell phone is interesting, it is a device with a 6.5-inch screen, with a 5,000 mAh battery, an 8-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front camera. That is, it is a good cell phone for everyday life, if you do not need high quality photos and videos.

Another interesting cell phone that we can mention is the Philco Hit P10, which costs something around r$ 800, despite being little known among users, "Philco" has produced quality smartphones, considering that this device has 128 GB of internal storage and still has 4GB of RAM memory, with a 6.2-inch screen with IPs panel.

Other Appliances

Let's talk now about a well-acclaimed cell phone in recent times, the "Redmi 9" from "Xaiomi", which costs about r$ 849, the cell phones of this company are known for their great cost-effectiveness, in the case of this smartphone, it has a large screen of 6.5 inches, with IPS panel, with a rear camera of 13 Megapixels and a front camera of 5 Megapixels, it really is a great value for money.


It is worth remembering that the cell phone also has a good battery, being able to last more than a whole day using it continuously, the battery has 5,000 mAh. The cell phone also has an internal storage of 32GB, which is enough for social media users.

Have you heard of the Galaxy A02? That's right, with r$ 785 you can buy this smartphone from Samsung, which is one of the best when it comes to cost-effectiveness, as it has a 6.5-inch screen, in addition to 3 gigs of RAM memory, it also has 32 GB of storage.

Advantages and cost benefit

  • The first advantage is that you buy a cheap cell phone that meets your possibilities.
  • They are usually cell phones that serve social media users well, with reasonable cameras.
  • Although the best cell phones today are Chinese, they have great value for money and are very reliable devices.
  • If you're not a photographer, videographer or gamer, you really won't need a very robust cell phone and everyone on our list can serve you easily.

How to import a cell phone

If you don't have experience, you have to be very careful when importing a cell phone, as there are stores all over the world and many of them are unreliable, if it's your first import, preferably for platforms like "Amazon", for example.

For more important tips, visit our apps category. The final tip is, if the imported device has little difference from the device purchased in Brazil in reliable stores, choose to buy in Brazil, considering that you will have a longer warranty.

Good luck!