Cell Phone Lie Detector – Know this news


Have you ever imagined being able to know when they are lying to you using just your cell phone? That's right! With the advancement of technology, the novelty of the moment is the Lie Detector App. Available for both Android and IOS, the App promises to identify in a simple way whether they are telling the truth or lying to you.

Just like your favorite movies and series, now you can also have your own lie detector app, which tends to make your life safer and even more fun. Did not understand? Well, imagine how many games you can create to liven up class meetings or even family gatherings!

The technology used in lie detector app promises through a sensitive analysis of the voice, measuring from zero to one hundred, the levels of stress present in the captured sound. Then the result is displayed directly on your cell phone screen, without any complications.

Lies detector
lie detector (image from Google)

Lies detector

We looked for some available application options and listed for you the ones that we think are the coolest. After knowing a little about each one of them, you can download, test and, if you like it, start sharing the news to increase the fun.

Available for free for Android and iOS, the Lie Detector app is an innovation that suggests when someone is lying. It should not be used as a source of certainty, as it is an application created for informal use. The purpose of the App is to bring entertainment and sharpen the curiosity of users.


With it you will be able to identify if someone is answering you in a dubious way according to the criteria of the App itself, and thus move on to other forms of investigation. With this Lie Detector, the “new detective” even has the option of sharing the tool's results on their social networks.

Remembering that for an effective analysis of official situations such as judicial or criminal proceedings, the Lie Detector is not an option. For these cases, a complete and individualized psychological assessment is required, carried out by competent professionals and bodies.

Lie Detector - Simulator

It is a game where the Lie Detector simulates situations of possible lies by scanning fingerprints. It allows adjustments to define pre-established questions and answers, which makes the game even more fun.

Of course, you've already watched a detective movie where the Lie Detector was used in interviews and helped to put the bad guy behind bars. Just like in fiction, the intention of the application is to catch the possible liar. But around here everything is just fun!

It is still possible to configure random responses in the app so that the fun becomes more interesting for each audience. In this way, children and adults can participate. Available for free for Android and IOS, it is not a real Lie Detector, but a form of entertainment. Just download and enjoy.


Lie Detector for Android

With functionalities very similar to the App simulator, the Lie Detector for Android promises a lot of fun to brighten up your meetings with family and friends. Developed with simple commands, which are already known features by Android technology users, you can modify and select true or false answers.

Once you have customized questions and answers, it's time to invite the class to play. The “interviewee” at the time must place his finger on the digital reader and wait for the application to analyze the previously programmed response, which will be displayed on the cell phone screen. Have you ever thought about how many pranks you can create using just this app?

Available only for Android technology, this Lie Detector application tends to be the new darling attraction of the rolês. Just download it for free, use your imagination and start having fun with the crowd! So, did you like any of the suggested apps? Have you tried any of them? Share your opinion in the comments!

Settings and How to download

To download the Lie Detector application is very simple! Enough Access the Play Store and do a search for “lie detector”. Then you will get multiple results of apps of this type. Choose the one you find most interesting and then just download and install it on your cell phone. Remember that all available apps are completely free. If you like this type of prank app, be sure to check out our “apps” to download other options.

We are living a digital revolution and to keep up with all the trends, adults and children are surrounded by news on all sides. You need to have an open mind, a “curious eye” and a lot of attention not to get lost among so many offers, nor to give up security.

The app, like so many new features of this technological moment, can be a great distraction option to bring a little lightness to such difficult times. Make the most of this tip and have fun at no cost and without any mess!

All you need is your cell phone, internet and a lot of creativity. Then just gather your friends and together you can create the best question and answer games. Discovering a lie has never been easier! Download your Lie Detector now and find out who is telling the truth!