Footwear – Discover the App to buy directly from the factory


From the beginnings of the world to modern times, footwear has been a product that has faithfully accompanied us. However, unlike the beginnings, nowadays these shoes are not just about not stepping directly on the ground, but seek to offer comfort and style. With that in mind, Dafiti brings great options to its customers on its sales platform.

Dafiti is not only a shoe store, but also clothing and accessories. In it you will find the most varied products. But don't think it's just that, because quantity isn't always everything. In addition to several product options, Dafiti offers great quality. Ensuring you make a good purchase and don't waste your money.

In addition, it brings competitive market prices. Competing for sales with big brands. In addition to great prices, it offers customers beautiful promotions, making everything more accessible to all budgets. Also providing discount coupons for customers, making it even easier to make your purchase safely, and with great benefits.

Shoes (image from Google)

Shoes organized from A to Z

At Dafiti, you don't have to worry about not finding what you want. This is due to the wide variety of products found in the store. But as said before, quantity is not everything. That's why the platform offers an impeccable organization of its products. This makes buying your shoes much more practical. It's pretty simple to use the app and stay in style.

There are several models of both shoes, clothes, or accessories. Next to that come the categories. Where do you find the type of product you want. These categories are well defined by the application. For example, in the case of shoes, you can choose between boots, heels, sneakers and many others. All this thanks to the application's search system.


In it there is an intelligent search, where in addition to finding every product, you will be finding more often items close to your personal style. This smart search recognizes the clothes and shoes you click and are interested in. Thus offering you similar products and products that other customers also liked. Customers these, with preference close to yours.

Shoe offers for you

Dafiti is not like many other platforms on the market. She is concerned with being accessible to all audiences. With that she has a system of promotions to make the competition jealous. Its prices are already accessible to most customers, however, paying cheap on great shoes and clothes is never too much.

At Dafiti there are promotions offered by the sellers themselves, where the application's proposal is understood, thus offering good prices to customers. This consequently leads to several stock clearances, where this turnaround provides great prices on pieces that customers have been dating for a while.

In addition, discount coupons are released daily on the platform. For example, 10% OFF coupons, where the more expensive the piece, the greater the discount. They also have direct coupons, where they are given, for example, R$ 20 (reais) off. That in a piece of R$ 50(real) is already almost half of the value of the product. And finally free shipping coupons. Offering free and fast delivery of your products.

Dafiti features and benefits

At Dafiti, there are several functions present. This seeking to offer a better service and easy use of the application. Benefits are also offered to its customers, aiming at loyalty to the store. And for Dafiti this is not a problem, because with so many benefits, a customer naturally becomes loyal. Below is a list of these functions and benefits, with the aim of bringing you readers more clarity when using the application.

  • More than 400 thousand products;
  • Products for all audiences, whether footwear, children's clothing, women's clothing or men's clothing;
  • Great brands present in the application;
  • Security in purchases and use of the application;
  • Support for platform users;
  • Notices and notifications about new items and prices on your products;
  • Promotions offered by sellers;
  • Coupons offered by the platform;
  • 30 days to return the product;
  • Possibility to favorite products;
  • Easy use of the application.

How to install dafiti

Using the application is very easy and simple, however install the Dafiti is even more so. The platform can be downloaded quickly on your cell phone through the Google Play platform. This 100% platform is safe, where you can download different applications without worrying. The Dafiti application needs a space of 42 MB (megabyte) of storage. These days this is considered a very lightweight application.

In addition, it requires Android version 5.0 or higher for the download to be released. On your cell phone, search for Google Play. Then you need to search for the name of the application, “Dafiti – Promotion of clothes, shoes, home and decor”. When you find it, just find the option in green written "install" and that's it! Your app will be installed in a few moments.

Now that you know what the Dafiti app is and how to install it, you can be shopping for the best shoes and clothes in a few clicks. To stay on top of applications like this, Olhar Curioso has several tips. There are also indications of courses with newly opened vacancies and vacancies of good jobs. We're done here, but this is not goodbye. I wish you a great day and good luck!