Check out tips on how to make the Android system even better


Do you know how to let your android better? Would you know how to make your system faster, lighter and much easier to use? That's right! We'll give you some tips throughout this article in case you're having a fluidity issue with your Android.

It's true that smartphones have evolved a lot, that's why we end up spending a lot of time on the Android system, so your smartphone fills up with information, whether it's photos, videos, or everything you store on your device in a disorderly way.

In this way, your system android it can start to be slow and practically unusable, It is worth remembering that it is super uncomfortable to use a smartphone that does not perform the operations we want, taking a long time to do a simple task, in which case, you really need to improve your system through some actions.

Image: (Google) Android

how to improve android

Through settings, you can greatly improve the usability of your smartphone. You can, for example, remove "bloatware", that is, those apps that are already directly installed on your cell phone, this simple action can already greatly improve the fluidity of your system.

Other simple actions, such as turning off your cell phone vibration, can help your system a lot, as well as battery life. Throughout this article, we will talk about some adjustments that are very simple to perform on the Android system, so you can have a faster smartphone.


Disabling the apps that already come from the factory, as well as activating alerts, to know which apps are blocking your system, can help a lot when it comes to making your smartphone faster. We'll list below some of the main actions to lighten your Android system.

Improving the Android system

The first tip is to disable all the applications that were installed at the factory, that is, the famous “root” applications, since they are not very useful, and are used a lot from time to time, however, it ends up using “ram” memory ” from your device, crashing your system.

In this case, you can pause these applications, so that the system becomes lighter, not having to waste memory on it. To carry out this task, just enter "settings", "applications" and "notifications". Right after clicking on ”see all applications”, just select an app'. Now click on "disable" to pause the application in question.

Another important action that greatly improves the performance of the cell phone is to activate its history and notifications, because through it, you will be able to follow all the applications that are being used on your cell phone, through the alerts that are issued. To access this feature, just click on "settings", then on "applications and notifications", now just click on the "notifications" tab, then on "notification history", that way you just need to enable the feature .

Advantages of optimizing your Android

  • The first big advantage is to make your system faster.
  • Another important advantage, if you are a game user, these actions helped you to run your favorite games.
  • In the case of users who use social networks a lot, these actions may help with the speed of sharing.
  • Another advantage is to make the user more relaxed, nothing worse than a cell phone crashing all the time.
  • And finally, the great advantage is that you can perform your tasks quickly and accurately, without having to create shortcuts.

Other tips to improve your system

Another interesting action is to select the applications that will be your smartphone's default, that way you can optimize your system a lot. To perform this task, just click on "settings" of your cell phone, then on "applications and notifications", then click on the "advanced" tab, for you to select the "default applications" option, there you can modify whether a certain link will open by your browser or by the application.


Another good tip is to turn off your smartphone's vibrations, as it is very important for your cell phone's battery life to be long. Well, it really is unnecessary with each notification, with each call, for your cell phone to vibrate, as this can consume a lot of its battery, in addition to reducing its useful life. So the tip is to disable this feature.

freeing up storage

Without a doubt, one of the main causes for your system to slow down is a full cell phone! It is impressive how many users do not empty their cell phones, take pictures, make long videos, share a lot of content on WhatsApp and other social media, and all this fills their device.

That's why you need to clean your contents daily, because you don't really need everything on your cell phone. There is a tool called "Files" from the giant Google, which sends users notifications of duplicate files.

To use the tool, just open the "Files" application and click on the "free up memory" tab, so you can now slide your screen to check the suggestions that are automatically made by the Google application. If you want to delete the files, just click on the "select files" option and choose which files you want to delete.

How to download the app

In case you want to start cleaning your Android system, to make your system more fluid in a simple and quick way, just follow the tips that were put in this article, however, there are applications that promise to accomplish this feat, as well as some tools from Google itself, and others that are already installed on your cell phone.

If you want to download a specific application for this, just do your search in your application store, you will quickly be able to find the ideal application, however, you must remember that you must be careful with malicious applications, as well as applications that are little downloaded and with low relevance.

Good luck! Check out our applications tab!