CNH Digital – Your online license


You already know how to download and what to Digital Driver's License can you provide? The driver's license is a document of great importance and must always be with the driver of the vehicle. We know that walking with our documents has always been of great importance. This so that we can identify with other people and bodies.

A document like Digital Driver's License it is part of our daily lives and allows us to access different places and carry out different tasks. It is possible, for example, to be using a document with a photo to enter places intended for people over 18 years old, for example bars. In addition, it is also a way for you to ensure your safety.

Also being the document that will identify you as a Brazilian citizen. Paper document technologies have been losing steam. But that's not a bad thing, quite the contrary. With the arrival of virtual documents, everything has become much easier with regard to transporting your documents, such as Digital Driver's License is the solution to the problem of losing that document.

Virtual Driver's License
CNH Virtual (Google image)

CNH Digital - Qualification process

To be able to access your CNH Digital, you must first have obtained your national driver's license. For this you need to go through the whole process with different steps. In the first step you will first need to apply through a driving school or the traffic department. At this stage, a fee is charged to enable this process.


Then you will need to take the psychometric tests. They will assess their cognitive and motor skills through tests applied by a trained psychologist. This way knowing if you have motor coordination, attention, memory and other different cognitive functions to drive around.

After that you will go through two phases in which you will be evaluated. First you will learn about legislation and take a multiple choice test. Then you will take driving lessons and if you do not complete them, you can take the final test. By passing this test you may already be picking up your Digital CNH within a few days.

CNH Digital – Application

The CNH Digital application offers its users great convenience with regard to transporting their driver's license. With it you can have your license digitally through your cell phone. And the best part of it is that you can access your data and the CNH itself if you have internet access.

This way you can leave the house without the physical document and carefree, but that's if you have your Digital CNH downloaded in the app. But don't think that the app is just for that! With it you can access the vehicles that are in your name, being able to verify different information about you.

It is also possible to stay on top of all your traffic violations, through the category of violations that the application provides. You can also stay up to date on the different traffic campaigns that the app promotes. This way managing to stay on top of different educational information about traffic.

app benefit 

CNH Digital offers its users the most diverse benefits. The mobility that the app presents is a great novelty for people. Especially for those who don't know the application and hate carrying paper documents around. For those who lose their documents, this is also a great way out, but stay tuned for the main benefits that this app brings you.

  • It is possible to replace your printed CNH with a digital one on different occasions, remembering that the printed document is also of great importance and value to you;
  • You can stay on top of all the information about your driver's license, registering it is also very easy;
  • The application allows its users to access different information about the vehicles registered in its name;
  • It may be checking to see if there are any traffic violations in your name or associated with your vehicle.

How to install

CNH Digital, contrary to what many think, can be found in an easy and simple way. To enter the platform you need to access it using this and the password you registered. First you need to download this application and this is the part that we can consider easier. This is thanks to a platform that makes the download process much easier.

With Google Play you can be looking for the app you want without worrying about viruses or data theft. The platform made available by the company Google has a great name in the market and guarantees the peace of mind of its users. To find and download this application you will only need to access this platform.

In it, you can find a search bar where, by entering the name of the desired application, a list will be found. The app will probably be the first on your list, just below its title you will find the option to install. If you want to find other different apps that will make your life easier, curious look you achieve this through our diverse content categories.

Good morning and good luck everyone!
