Expired CNH – Find out why it’s not worth renewing now


The vast majority of drivers forget the due date of the driver's license, the first tip is whenever you start the year, take a look at the driver's license expiration date, which is on the document itself. It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to drive with an expired license, subject to a fine and seizure of the vehicle.

If we were leading a normal life, without the pandemic, the tip would be to renew the driver's license as soon as it won, in view of the punishments for drivers for driving with an expired driver's license, however, as we are experiencing a humanitarian crisis never seen in history, it is necessary to be careful when renewing the CNH.

The good news is that as of April 12, 2021, the driver's license will no longer expire after 5 years as it currently does, the expiration will be after 10 years, that is, every 10 years the driver will need to renew the driver's license, it is worth remembering that this rule is for drivers who are up to 50 years old.

driver's license
Image: (Google) CNH

Age and deadlines to renew driving license

The measure is part of the law nº 14.071/2020 of our Brazilian Traffic Code, sanctioned by the honorable president of the republic Jair Bolsonaro, in October 2019. Another change is the renewal every 3 years, nowadays it is valid for drivers aged 65 years or older.

However, it will apply to drivers aged 70 or over. For drivers who are 50 years old or older, the term will continue to be 5 years. It is necessary to pay attention to deadlines and ages, because with the change, many people will not need to renew their CNH in 2021.


In case the driver renews the driver's license expired on April 11, either by choice of the driver or for any need, it will only be valid for 5 years. This is exactly why you have to wait, because some drivers will be able to stay another 5 years without having to renew their CNH.

Driver's License Renewal for the Disabled

For cases where there is any type of physical or mental disability or the progression of any disease that may reduce the driver's ability to drive a vehicle, the expert examiner in question will be responsible for the answer on the period of validity of that driver's license.

The fact is that whether the driver is disabled or not, it is necessary to follow traffic rules, because after many drivers manage to pass the exams to become qualified, they end up committing so many traffic violations that they end up running a serious risk of losing the hard earned wallet.

There are even more irresponsible drivers who drive drunk, unfortunately there are many of them, and they usually only realize the danger when they cause a serious traffic accident, and in that case, in addition to putting their own physical integrity at risk, they end up putting innocent people at risk. .

License expired in 2020

The obligation to renew CNHs, which was suspended by the federal government because of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, became mandatory again in 2021. According to the National Transit Council, documents with the expiration date of January last year may be renewed until January 31 of the current year.


For licenses that expired in February 2020, renewal can take place until February 28, 2021, and so on until December 31, 2021. There are many criticisms of the current Brazilian government, however, in terms of driver's license scores and also on the deadline for renewal, approval is almost unanimous.

CNHs that expire in 2021 will have their respective normal renewal process, up to one month after expiration to drive completely legally. For now, there is no resolution or measure from the federal government that extends this deadline. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the deadline.

Renew after expiration date

As printing is not being done due to the pandemic, the document in question must be downloaded through the “Carteira Digital de Trânsito” app, which is standard throughout Brazil. However, the best way to renew the expired CNH must be specially defined by the State Traffic Department of each state.

In order to meet the great suppressed demand, residents of the state of São Paulo will have the opportunity to request their renewal through the accredited website "Poupatempo" or through the app. Remembering that this service is unavailable to people who have had their CNH revoked or suspended.

Information is everything nowadays, only those who really want irregular documentation are left with the irregular documents, the big problem is the fines and inconveniences that irregular documents can cause to the life of the citizen. The tip is to keep all the documents up to date, as this is the only way to avoid undesirable inconveniences.

How to get a second license

  • Look for an accredited Civil Police station in your respective state.
  • Make sure you are duly qualified so that you can apply for a duplicate CNH.
  • It is necessary to gather all the necessary documents to carry out the request for the second copy of the CNH.
  • Request your duplicate CNH with the Detran of your state.

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