Complete and free web design course – See how to register


It is possible to have access to a complete web design course? Are there options that are 100% free? These questions are very interesting for people who want to enter the web designer market, that is, work with website construction.

However, until recently, courses in this area were not very time consuming, and they were also very expensive and not accessible to low-income people. As this market has been very important in recent years, demand for courses has increased significantly.

Make one complete web design course, remotely, that is, in the comfort of your home, within your schedule and whenever you want, it really is very good, and if you can take the course completely free of charge, even better! Follow our article!

Complete web design course
Image: (Google) Complete web design course

Learn how to take the complete web design course

First let's understand what "web design" means, it is nothing more than an area of the design market that ends up creating varied projects for web pages, in addition to doing the work of updating all the content if the client hires him for that also.

There is currently a course, totally free, offered by the ”Serviço Nacional do Comércio”, the so famous ”Senac”. stations, or even in public and private companies.


It is worth remembering that the professional Web Designer can work in all of these options mentioned above, in addition to being able to work as a freelancer, or even completely autonomous in "Home Office" format. This is a strong trend in this market.

Full web design course details

One of the most important details to work in the area, that is, to work with web design, is knowing how to listen mainly to your client, because you need to keep your original idea and bring solutions to the client, you also need to have the ability to work with more people, that is, knowing how to work in a team.

The professional web designer has to deal every day with technical issues and also with forms of construction, in addition to maintaining the proper functioning of the site, for this very reason, he needs to constantly study new techniques, in addition to knowing XTHTML in depth, CSS and Flash.

It really is a very promising profession, even with the drop in the use of the site in recent years, in view of the great growth of social networks, which is why the tip for anyone who wants to become a web designer is also to become a good one social media manager, so the number of jobs will be much higher and consequently the income too.

Advantages of the profession

  • Work at home in Home Office format.
  • Make your own work schedule.
  • Offer your web design work on freelance platforms.
  • Have a good profitability, through specific knowledge in the area.
  • Earnings greater than r$ 3500 per month in the first few months.
  • Probability of having a salary greater than r$ 7000 per month when combined with the profession of designer and social media manager.

course details

People who want to work in this area obviously need to be creative, and also know the design programs well, such as "Corel Draw", "Photoshop" in addition to "Illustrator", the free course offered by Senac, which aims to enable people to work 100% in the virtual environment.


An important feature is that it is a totally free course, and it is taught directly from a digital laboratory, in this way various topics are addressed, such as understanding the needs of your employer, designing architecture in an intelligent way, in addition to working on navigability and state-of-the-art technologies to meet your customer's needs.

Let's talk now about the workload, and the prices, it can vary according to each institution, in the case of São Paulo, it's 30 hours, in the city of Porto Alegre, it's an incredible 200 hours, it's worth remembering that Senac offers the certificate for students able to complete the course in its entirety.

Web Designer Courses – Technical level and above

In addition to the free course modality, Senac also offers some options for the web designer, especially for those who want to specialize. The so-called technical courses have as a requirement that the applicant is currently studying, at least in the third year of high school.

In this case, he can opt for creation, art assistant and game production, in addition to multimedia production and interfaces, there is also the possibility of starting as a creator of publications or other options that are described on the platform. It is worth checking!

For more information about the courses, just access the official website of ”Senai” to have more access to the latest applications that are booming, in addition to innovative tips, access our apps category. Good luck!