Cora Conta Digital – How to download the free app


you already know the Cora, digital account? If the answer is no, today you will have the opportunity to get to know one of the best corporate accounts today. Nowadays money is something that is part of our daily lives. Used as a bargaining chip, this is a much more complex symbol than it appears. Due to social and technological advances we always have to deal with something new.

Keeping up-to-date on what surrounds us is essential so we don't fall behind. This way we can enjoy what comes to make our life easier. How new technologies came and new demands followed. Therefore, in relation to money, it is necessary to know where to keep it. This not only influences the safety of your money but also your income.

O color, digital account is an application that allows you to manage your money in a completely virtual way. The bank brings many benefits to those who want to use its services. An example of this is the annuity and monthly fees that are not charged at this bank. Staying inside is not a problem, because today we will explain everything to you.

Cora Digital Account
Cora, Digital Account (Google image)

Cora Conta Digital – What is a PJ account

To better understand Cora, digital account, first we need to explain what a PJ account is. The abbreviations PJ stand for legal entity. But what would an account for a legal entity be? This is an account modality that can be made at bank branches. Being more specific, this account is aimed at companies. Bringing benefits to those who use it.

Through this account it is possible to be making different transactions and negotiations of parts of the most varied. This type of account has a very interesting point, which is the way it serves its customers. It can be used both by those who are already in the market or even those who are in the process of insertion or growth in this area.


There are several benefits and this helps especially those who want to get off to the best possible start. Remembering that in order to create this account, it is necessary to use it as a basis, making this account also participate in the process of regularizing your transactions and negotiations involving the company. This way bringing not only benefits but stability to your business.

Cora Conta Digital – Layout 

Cora, a digital account, has a very good application for all audiences. To better understand this, it is first necessary to talk about its layout. For those who have some difficulty with virtual devices or applications, this is a good opportunity. Because the structure of the application is very simple and at the same time very complete. Which makes you able to perform tasks without difficulties.

This brings us to the issue of application fluidity. This is due to the location of resources being thought of strategically. One thing eventually leads to another. So a good tip is to look for something that resembles what you want. Probably very close to this will be what you are looking for. Being able to use associations to find the tools in a more agile and practical way.

Which brings us to another very important point. The layout of the application is well designed and clean to the eyes makes everything very practical. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time to solve your pendencies. The application is not bureaucratic despite its complex and state-of-the-art security. Which makes it possible to feel safe while resolving issues quickly.

Benefits and tools

Cora, a virtual account, offers its users many tools and benefits. As said before, using the application is very simple and clear. However, due to the different functions it brings, we decided to bring these points to stand out even more clearly for you. Therefore, below is a list that will help you better understand what the platform brings to its users.

  • Possibility to customize charges in the application;
  • Option to configure interest and fine for delays;
  • Issuance of bills with no monthly limit;
  • Fees are not charged for issuing bank slips;
  • Fully online payment of taxes, utility bills, securities.

How to install

In the same way that creating your account on Cora, virtual account is easy, you can also to go down the app without any problems. But for that, you first need to check if your mobile device matches the application's hardware requirements. First, you need to check the Android version of your phone. It is necessary that it be equal to or greater than that required by the application.

In addition, it is also necessary to have enough internal storage space for the download to be done. After checking these requirements, you may be opening the Google Play platform on your cell phone. Through it you can download different applications for free and safely, using only your Gmail.

On the platform, look for the search bar at the top of the screen. In it you can be searching for the name of the application so that it appears in the options. When you find it, you can already see the option to install just below the title. If you are interested in discovering applications like this or the most diverse types, know that this blog it's perfect for you. Always keeping you up to date.

Good morning everyone and happy reading!