Credit score – How to download the app


It's not cool to receive an account in your name, and sometimes you didn't even know it existed. This could be because of a service that thought it voided an account that was forgotten about or a bank account that it thought it no longer had actually continues to be managed.

In any case, failure to pay will result in the name going to the SPC or Serasa. That's why it's important to know how your document and credit score are doing.

The score is a type of score that is checked by companies that offer financial services, to find out whether the customer will be able to pay the bills using the CPF number.

Any financial employee can access Serasa and find out if the consumer is in default and if their credit number is at least greater than 500.


If the score is less than 500 points, the chances of a person not being able to pay their debts is considered very high, and it may also be that they have recently cleared their name or that they have a history of delays in paying off their debts.

highest score

There are ways to increase the score:

  • The first thing to do is pay the bills on time so the score doesn't drop;
  • Being able to control the amount of services that are being used simultaneously;
  • Regularly look at the CPF at Serasa so as not to be surprised to have a debt in your name;
  • Never let the CPF number be used by other people, as it is well
  • risky.

Positive Registration

The Positive Record and the credit score are two different things, but they are important to show that you can pay your bills on time.

The Positive Registration is a way for a financial company to search for a customer's information to find out whether their CPF is on the negative list or not.

If the name is part of the Positive Registry, it is considered that there is none, meaning that it does not have any financial pending issues, leaving the score higher.

Consult Score

The CPF query and the score are seen at the same time in the Serasa list: First you need to go to the Serasa Consumidor website and click on the blue rectangle “Check your CPF now”; You must log in or create your first registration;


A new page will appear with the phrase: “You don't have debts with Serasa” or “You have debts” and an indication of the debt. Next to it, a circle with a meter will appear, in which each color represents the confidence that it will be able to act as a good payer.

The score and the phrase “Your chances of paying the bills are are” will also appear. These grades can be high, medium, or low. Anyone can enter the site and consult the Score score and the CPF number

Register on Serasa website and find out your score:

Download Serasa app

The app is available for free download at app store (for devices with iOS operating system) and in the Google Play (for Android devices).
