Download Contador de Dias Application – See how to access it for free


Have you ever tried to download a day counter? I don't know what this is? Today, we're going to explain everything about what this type of application offers you, bringing you a lot of valuable information and also teaching you how to download and install the application without any problems. Like these tips, this procedure will become something very simple and easy to perform.

Time is something that is constantly present in our lives and it is through it that we manage to move our lives forward. It's important to always be on top of the calendar and stay informed about what day it is and what's important about that day. Being able to go from commemorative dates to holidays and important days of your year in specific.

There are many things that are directly linked to time and for us to be on top of everything, intelligent assistance is certainly beneficial. Taking into account that today we are going to talk about the main applications that work as a day counter. Helping you to always be on top of important tasks and dates throughout the week and your year.

day counter
day counter (Google image)

Day counter - What is it for

A day counter has a very important task in our lives that keeps us always up to date with appointments and other miscellaneous tasks. We cannot go about our routines without knowing what day it is and other different information related to the weather. The calendar in general is very important for our lives and our daily lives.


We can find different dates that are spread throughout the year and make our days not as usual. There are many holidays that mean, for example, that supermarkets or other different establishments work with reduced hours or even closed. It is very important to be aware of these setbacks that may be happening.

It is also important so that you don't go to work on the wrong day, for example. Imagine how horrible it is to get to work on a Sunday and the company is closed. These are problems that we can easily solve or have one of the apps that count the days. The best part is that they will be on your phone wherever you are, always letting you know.

day counter – Apps

There are many apps that work as a day counter that you can quickly fall in love with on your cell phone. But choosing the best ones and which one is ideal for you can be a difficult task when you don't know the apps well. Starting our list we have the application “Contar Dias”. With this application you can find many functions that are linked to the calendar.

This application is very objective and calculates the days between the dates you want to check. “” is a very simple application that brings you the basics, but with perfection. It works as a kind of calculator for you to know how many days are left for the next holiday or date you want to check. “4Devs” has an application that counts the days between one date and another.

You can, for example, be putting your birthday to someone special's birthday. That way you will know how long it takes for this event and what is the difference in time or age you have with that dear person. It is very interesting to use the App for different purposes related to time and dates.


A day counter certainly has many uses, in many cases this can even be a problem because people are lost in relation to what benefit they will have when installing this type of application. So that our readers have a more complete idea of the benefits to life when having such an application installed, we decided to bring you a list of the benefits that stand out the most or if you have one of these apps as an aid.

  • It is possible to be inside different dates of the year;
  • It's a great time to get organized and not miss any more important dates;
  • You can get a broader sense of time between one event and another or one date and another;
  • The applications are very objective and this directly influences the time you will spend to calculate the days between the dates you want.


For install a day counter doesn't take much. Having a cell phone with enough hardware and internal storage is the first step for this process to be done successfully. Also, the internet connection is of utmost importance for what you managed to download the files. Remembering that this is also you for a notebook.

In the case of computers or notebooks, it is possible to access some of these applications through their official website. In the case of cell phones and tablets, you must be accessing the Google Play platform to download the app you want to count the days between one event and another, or one of which you want to calculate the waiting time.

This process is very simple and can be done without any difficulty using a search bar that will take you directly to the desired application. These apps will definitely contribute to your daily life and the quality of your life. At the curious look this is our focus and if you want access to other valuable information for your life, our blog is certainly ideal for you!

Good luck!
