Detran Auctions – Discover how to buy good and cheap cars


Do you know the DMV auctions? Well, if you are looking to buy a good and cheap car, know that through this process, you can have the good you dreamed of! For you and your family.

To find out more about Detran auctions, know that, generally, the Detrans of each state provide pages of Public Notices containing the rules for you to participate, with scheduled dates, requirements and everything else.

Therefore, in this post you will learn more about Detran auctions, about the requirements to participate; how the process works; as for the goods, object of the auction; as well as how the interested party can know the good.

Detran Auctions
Detran Auctions (Google image)

How to participate in Detran auctions: see about and prepare

To participate in Detran auctions is very simple. Make your registration in the email indicated by the Announcement. This for individuals; if it is a legal entity, they must register with the state Detran.

In the auction, interested parties will place their bids starting from the minimum auction price, as stated in the Notice; The bidder who offers the highest price will be the winner of the bid, which must be accepted by the auctioneer.


The bidder, when winning the lot, will receive a code to issue the DAE (state collection document) to make the payment; then he goes to the table, after the hammer strike.

Detran Auctions: other information on how to participate

When bidding, the bidder (interested) must have their personal documents, under penalty of losing the bid, which may be considered null, the bid given. And this occurs, the good returns to the auction.

In Detran auctions, the auctioned vehicles will be delivered with an auction note, given by the auctioneer, and an auction letter, which is provided by the Detran of your state. Stay tuned!

The bidder must arrange for the transfer of the vehicle within the period of the Notice, as stated in the Brazilian Traffic Code. The vehicle transfer costs are borne by the bidder. The DAE must be paid within 3 business days.

About classifications of auction objects (cars)

As for Scrap Vehicles, as they are called, they are those that cannot circulate due to their condition. They have their registration withdrawn from the State Base and Renavam. But parts can be traded.


As for the Preserved Vehicles, which are able to circulate on public roads, they can be registered at the State Base and also at Renavam and can have the normal license, as well as their transfer.

For those interested in Detran auctions, it is good that he knows the vehicle that will be auctioned so that he is aware of the vehicle and its conditions. And the date for visiting the lots is set out in the Public Notice of your state. 

Tips for participating in the auction: see and prepare 

Carefully read the announcement, it contains all the information about the auction, such as the conditions or requirements to participate, as well as the conditions of the vehicle. Be careful with non-explicit costs in the public notice.

See the vehicle in person before DMV auctions. You will never find a car in great condition. It's good to do a survey beforehand, this gives you an idea of what to spend to have a good car.

Avoid buying cars in other states because it can get more expensive. The auctioneer delivers the car with just the auction receipt and I will have to wait a few days, until I withdraw the CRLV, the document to rotate.

Prerequisites for you to participate in the Detran auction

And if the bid is accepted, withdrawal is not allowed. And, often, when you go to pick up the car, be prepared, because they may be out of fuel, or they cannot run due to some technical problem.

Individuals or legal entities can participate in Detran auctions. The participant who wins must present the following documents:

  • If an individual: RG, CPF and updated proof of address (many go without proof of address, which is a problem);
  • If a legal entity: original articles of incorporation or certified copy at a notary's office; CNPJ; RG and CPF of the representative of the entity; proof of being the legal representative of the entity;
  • If the person is emancipated, he must present a power of attorney for the purpose of participating in an auction; You can obtain this document from your city's registry office.


In this post, you saw more about the Detran auctions. And don't forget, during the auction it is not allowed to transfer, whether of any title, as to the rights acquired by the bidder.

Now that you know all this information, you will surely know how to search and find the best opportunities at auctions to acquire your car faster!

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