Digital Bank – What is it and how to choose the best one for you


Do you know how to choose the best digital bank of the present? There are now a wide range of financial institutions, we will understand throughout this article what are the advantages of a digital bank in relation to a traditional bank, stay with us in this article!

The first big doubt, especially for users over 45 years old, is in relation to security, as many users are afraid of making transactions over the internet, as they fear data leakage or even financial losses. However, digital banks are very safe.

O digital bank currently it is extremely safe, considering the security protocols that are used, such as advanced encryption that is practically impossible to be violated, it is easier for you to be robbed at the door of a traditional bank, than to lose some money in digital transactions .

Digital Bank
Image: (Google) Banco Digital

digital vs traditional bank

In recent times, digital banks have entered the Brazilian market in an overwhelming way, and they are really competitive, and have interesting advantages over traditional banks. For this very reason, even traditional institutions are investing in digital banks.

Do you know what a digital bank is? What would be your main advantages? How to deal with these and other issues to understand whether it is an advantage or not to have an account at a digital bank instead of using a traditional bank. Let's dig a little deeper.


For users over 50 years of age, they prefer to use traditional banks, with their physical credit card, withdraw money at the cashier, pay bills at an ATM, however, all these activities are now a thing of the past. Welcome to the modern era!

Getting to know digital banking better

these are institutions that are 100% digital, that is, they were created in a totally digital universe, they do not have an agency, a store and much less employees, they even have employees, but not working in the same agency, they are people working in their own homes or offices to run the banks.

A recurring question, mainly by older users, is the good old conversation with the manager, if I have any problems who should I talk to? This is a question asked by a large number of people. Know that you will be very well attended, as digital banks have dozens of people available 24 hours a day to answer your questions.

It works like this, instead of having a manager to answer your questions, you have a manager at any time, just enter the institution's chat to answer all your questions, without having to make a call, leave home, or things like that . It really is very organized.

Advantages of digital institutions 

In addition to being able to be attended to at any time of the day through the chat, there are other advantages that are really incredible. It is worth remembering that having an account at a digital institution means that everything will be resolved over the internet, from payments, receipts, or even answering any questions.


The interesting thing is that in digital banks, everything has to work 100% correctly, because only then can the platform work and grow, in physical branches, sometimes we are faced with several little problems that are difficult to solve.

In terms of agility, digital banks are practically unbeatable, as it is possible to make payments, receive, or any other type of banking transaction, very quickly, simply and easily, and in a few clicks you can carry out a wide range of operations.

Other advantages

  • Zero fee when opening the account, and also has no maintenance fee.
  • Encrypted security virtually impossible to crack.
  • Payments made with agility, quickly and securely.
  • Some withdrawals are available for free per month.
  • Transfers between the same banks are free of charge.
  • Issuance of checkbook, and free debit card.

How to download a bank app

If the user is interested in opening an account at a digital bank, that is, at a 100% digital institution, just enter its application store and search for the main banks such as, ”Nubank” ”Picpay”, ”Superdigital” among others. The tip is to look for more well-known banks.

The vast majority of digital banking applications are available both for cell phones that operate with the Android system and for cell phones that operate with the iOS system. So, just download and install your preferred bank application. Everything is super fast.

For more information about applications, or even about news from the digital world, visit our apps category. Good luck!