Make money on Youtube? learn how


Have you thought about make money on youtube? In the world of technology, advances are undeniable. Along with innovations came new ways to earn money. One of the ways that give the most return in this medium is the production of entertainment. This is due to the demands that have arisen with the lack of time in modern times. In the midst of all this, a giant platform called YouTube emerged.

YouTube is a media sharing platform. It runs through different types of content. Among these contents you can find songs, video tutorials, drawings and much more. This platform has become so huge that it is practically impossible to promote your creations on a large scale without participating in the platform. This is due to the immense reach that it has, also influencing the way in which it can be make money on youtube.

To get a clearer idea, YouTube has more than 1 billion users. This corresponds to a large part of the internet user public in general. Additionally, the app is available for download in over 80 countries and languages. Making it possible make money on youtube without leaving home. Through the platform it is possible to be a world star without leaving home.

make money on youtube
make money on Youtube (Google Image)

make money on YouTube as a creator

For those interested in making money on YouTube, it is first important to know about some requirements placed by the application. These requirements are a way for you to prove to the platform that you are really willing to be a serious creator. For this to be possible, you first need to create your YouTube channel. Personalize it with your characteristics, because your profile is like the cover of a book you want to buy. You need to captivate your audience to get engagement.

In order to be a monetized channel and earn money on YouTube, you need to reach a level of people interested in your content. For this, you need to have received at least 4000 views in a period of one year. This shows that people are finding your video on the platform and watching it for a considerable amount of time. That is, the content present on the channel cannot be just a title, but must maintain and correspond to the viewer's interest.


In the application there is a partnership program where some rules are imposed. Those who break these rules will not be able to have their videos monetized. That's why it's interesting to pay attention to the terms of the program. This way you can earn money on YouTube and at the same time keep the platform as a healthy environment for users.

How can I make money on YouTube

Since we are talking about making money on YouTube, you also need to understand what monetization is and how it benefits you. Monetization is nothing more than the ability of a website to generate revenue. That is, monetization concerns the ability to move money on a website, application, etc. There are several ways to earn money on these platforms, such as selling products, advertisements and much more.

Speaking of YouTube, one of those ways is ads that monetize your video. An example of these ads are the advertisements that appear before the video we selected. There are also other forms of advertising, such as advertising that appears in front of a video right at the beginning of it, or even those that are in some corner of the open tab.

In order for you to benefit from this, as mentioned before, you must always comply with the platform's guidelines. There is also the possibility of earning money with your subscribers. For example, when you do a live, it is possible for people to send you a super chat. This super chat will cost a certain amount to the subscriber who sent the message, thus generating income on your channel.

Points that make you money on YouTube

Below, see some points that facilitate your engagement and how you can earn money on YouTube.

  • More than 1 billion users;
  • possibility of sharing;
  • Monetization of your videos;
  • Protection of generated content;
  • Platform support for its creators;
  • YouTube Premium;
  • Product stand;
  • Lives with valuable super chat.

How to access YouTube

To have access YouTube needs a few things. One of them is to have a Gmail, so it is possible to create an account in the application. To download the application, it is necessary to have an available storage of more or less 500 MB (megabyte). This is due to the cache generated by the application, requiring a larger space for the application to run smoothly.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the version of your Android, with version 5.0 or higher recommended. Now that you know what it takes, let's go to the tutorial. First you need to find the Google play present on your cell phone. Then look for YouTube in the search bar, then find the option to install.

That done, just create your account in the app and enjoy. If you liked this way of earn money, know that there are several other applications for this purpose. On our website there are several articles about these super apps. Good morning and good earnings to all!