Make money with photos on google - Here's how


Have you ever thought about the possibility of make money with photos on google? These days it is increasingly difficult to have a good income at the end of the month. Considering that this is a problem present in the lives of a large part of the population, technology has come to add to your finances. Several ways to receive money on the internet have been created. One of these ways is through photographs.

If you like taking pictures or have thought about make money with photos on google, know that this may be the solution to your problems. Or at least a supplement to your income. An application of great name and weight in this market is Adobe Stock. It is an app where you can earn money by taking good pictures. So you can earn money doing what you like and using your creativity.

In Adobe Stock you share photos, which can go viral and attract many buyers. If you've always dreamed of being your own boss, making your own hours and having an independent business, this is your opportunity. In addition to photos, the platform also accepts the submission of videos. However, it must be remembered that there are rules in the application and your images need to be verified before entering the platform.

make money with photos on google
make money with photos on google (google image)

Make money with photos on Google – Companies 

Have you ever stopped to think about who the buyers on the platform are? To sell well, you need to know who your consumers are. The audience that tends to be always present when buying photographs is made up of, for example, content producers. Youtubers in general, whether big or beginners, usually buy photographs and videos to introduce videos on the channel.


By understanding how everything works, making money from photos on Google doesn't seem so difficult anymore. Especially if the person interested in your photos is a big brand. It is true that many brands already have their own photographers and videographers. However, many choose to look for new professionals for this service. Or else they end up wanting to somehow “spice up” the company's marketing.

Communication agencies are also big buyers. Typically, these agencies vary greatly in the type of art they want to portray. Professionals in this area tend to be more versatile. Giving space for the photographer or videomaker to capture stronger and more impactful scenes. In this way, attracting different looks to the contractor's advertising.

Make money with photos on Google and good photographic performance

To do well on Adobe Stock, you need to step outside the box. Much of the same always tires. So look for images that surprise and captivate your target audience. His work as a photographer and videomaker is his own advertisement. So if you want to optimize your work, I have great tips for you!

An interesting investment to make to improve the production of this media is to buy equipment that contributes to the scenario. Lights and a tripod are a great option. If you have a friend or helper, you can come up with different scenarios and tactics to change the environment in your favor. In addition, you may also be investing in a camera. 

For those of you who don't want to or can't be investing right now, don't worry. Because nowadays your own cell phone has a very good image quality. In addition, there are applications capable of optimizing the photographs taken by you. And the best thing is that Adobe Stock is compatible with media made by mobile. And that goes for videos too.

Main points 

There are several positive points to talk about the application, but we decided to list only the main points. This to show the best to those who intend to earn money with photos on Google or buy these photos.

  • Platform compatible with different file types;
  • Possibility of selling and buying photos and videos;
  • Fair price for platform sellers and buyers;
  • Security of your data guaranteed by the platform;
  • Platform support to users;
  • Possibility of earnings just using the cell phone;
  • Large amount of content consumers and sellers.

How to access

For Access Adobe Stock doesn't have much of a secret. All you need is a cell phone or laptop with internet access. Adobe Stock is accessible to everyone without having to download and install any files. To start earning money on the platform, you need to register in the application. If you're afraid of having your data leaked, don't worry. 

Because the platform has advanced encryption security. Thus keeping confidential data always well guarded. After creating your account, you are ready to post your videos and photos to potential buyers. Your photo will be quickly reviewed by one of the Adobe Stock teams. If your photo meets the standards required by the platform, it will indeed be published.

If you liked this method to earn money with photos on Google, know that it is not the only one. At Curious Look we approach several apps and platforms capable of yielding you a considerable financial return. This you can find directly in our tips category. To discover these different methods you need to have a curious eye. Happy reading and good luck!
