Enrollment in Auxílio Brasil – Open for the 2022 calendar


Have you been wondering when you will be able to enroll in Auxílio Brasil? A short time ago, something that was making many Brazilians anxious was when the registrations for the Aid Brazil, made available by the federal government, would open. Well, you don't have to wait any longer. Signing up has already become a reality! 

This is because on the 14th of this month of July, the Ministry of Citizenship made public the dates for enrolling in the program. And this information is already available in the Official Gazette (DOU) for public access. Those wishing to enroll in Auxílio Brasil should pay attention. As the application is not available in any associated application.

Those wishing to register must register with CadÚnico (Cadastro Único). Now that you already know that the registration in Auxílio Brasil is available. Today we will bring important information for you to be able to become a beneficiary and better understand how this benefit works. Staying on top of what it takes to apply and become a beneficiary.

Enrollment in Brazil Aid
Enrollment in Auxílio Brasil (Google image)

Enrollment in Aid Brazil – Are you entitled?

Enrollment in Auxílio Brasil is available to everyone. But the benefit itself is intended for specific groups of people. The aid aims to help people in delicate financial situations. These people are divided between those who are in extreme poverty and those who are in poverty. But let's understand this a little better.

Those in the poverty situation group are those with a per capita income between R$ 105.01 (Reais) and R$ 210 (Reais). Since they are considered in a situation of extreme poverty, they are those whose per capita income is up to R$ 105 (reais). Remembering that this per capita income is the family income. But it's not just that. There are other points to be analyzed. 


In the case of people who already have the family allowance before it becomes the Brazil Aid, they will be able to receive the benefit automatically. There is also the case of those who are registered through the Cadastro Único, but were not beneficiaries of Bolsa Família. These will be on a reserve list for a while. But they can be called at any time.

Enrollment of the Brazil Aid - Objectives 

To better understand enrollment in Auxílio Brasil, you must first understand the program itself. Auxílio Brasil is a combination of different public policies in a single program. It seeks to meet the needs of employment, education, family income, health and social assistance. And through an income transfer to the participants. 

It seeks to fight poverty and extreme poverty present in the lives of several Brazilian families. Making not only these people able to maintain these needs. But it also works as a way to help these people out of these financial situations. Thus achieving autonomy and a better quality of life. 

The program also focuses on promoting development in the children's area. Providing better conditions for children. Stimulating not only your health but also learning and physical skills. This is done in several ways. For example, expanding the supply of daycare centers for children. In addition to scientific and technological performance during learning.

Documents required for enrollment 

In order to enroll in Auxílio Brasil, some important documents are required for registration. These documents must be legible and original. This is due to the need to prove your identity. Seeking to facilitate this process for our readers. We decided to bring a list of the necessary documents for this moment.


For the person responsible for the family it is necessary to have:

  •  CPF;
  • Voter card.

For other family members:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Identity;
  • CPF;
  • Wedding certificate;
  • Workbook;
  • Voter ID.

how to register

For those who are in doubt as to how and where to register we have great news! The single registration application was recently released to the public. Plus their website has been restructured and updated for everyone. Auxílio Brasil registration can be done completely online. Which makes it easier for many to move around.

With the documents listed above you can make your registration and through the website. And also be inserting the documents in a completely virtual way. The website is provided by the federal government, so you can rest assured. However, when accessing it, remember to check if the end of the access link ends in a dot “.gov”. As well as your registration, the result will be made available online.

To receive this aid, the beneficiary must go to a social assistance unit. There you will be able to complete all the pending issues necessary to obtain your assistance. If you always want to be on top of important information like this, follow our blog. At the curious look You can always stay on top of the news!

Good luck everyone and have a nice day!