Facetune photo editor – Meet the free app to edit photos


One of the most anticipated applications the facetune photo editor, is the new sensation in the virtual world. This was a tool that was already much awaited by users, as being able to edit photos on your cell phone is a very relevant and desirable option, not only by ordinary users, but in some cases even by professional users.


With the app facetune photo editor, it's very easy and fast to create layouts, or even more complex designs, to be able to use it professionally or even advertising. It is worth remembering that to create attractive, well-made and professional art, you must have knowledge in software such as Photoshop, CorelDRAW, or programs from the Adobe package.

Not to mention the speed, that the application facetune photo editor offers its users, as cell phones are getting better and better, in terms of photo quality, on many occasions it is possible for the user to take a photo and at the same moment start editing a post, or even a professional flyer .

Advantages of Facetune photo editor app

The application is available both for the Apple platform, that is, the iPhones, and also for devices that use the Android system. That way all users today can enjoy the benefits of this tool so awaited by users. The editor is very agile and also very easy to use.

For functions like removing a scar, removing a pimple, or even retouching makeup, or creating effects, the program is really fantastic and super satisfying. Especially when it comes to creating photos for Twitter, Instagram or even Facebook profiles. Nothing better than having a little help from technology to improve your appearance.


Not to mention that the application's interface is super organized and very beautiful, all the tools are very well laid out and are super interactive, and in a few minutes you can already master the main tools of the application. Correction of skin blemishes, wrinkles or even red eyes can be done very quickly in the app.

Features of Facetune photo editor 


  •  It is possible to upload a photo directly from the cell phone gallery to make edits.
  •  It is also possible to take a photo at the moment, and already add it, and still be able to post or share directly from the app.
  •  With the Facetune application, it is also possible to combine filters, backgrounds or even borders, in this way the user can enhance his photos at will.
  •  The app's editing tools are so good that they could even be mistaken for professional work by experienced designers.

Is it worth downloading the app?

Well, this is an issue that we need to evaluate carefully, as the application is intended for specific users who like to retouch their photos mainly before sharing or posting on their social media. Users who take a lot of selfies, that is, they like to show their face up close, tend to use this type of application more.

As the name of the application itself says “Facetune”, it is an application used to retouch the face, that is, to beautify, adjust, or even transform the photo in a funny way. The application's tools, in many cases, can be compared to Photoshop tools, for example, leaving photos with a professional look.

All commands can be performed with just one tap on the screen, or with movements of the application's editing tool. One of the main compliments that the application collects is the fact that it is super simple, fast and intuitive. All tools are super visible.

Most used tools

One of the main and most used tools of the Facetune application is the retouch tool, this tool allows the user to smooth the skin and leave it with a more pleasant tone, for this very reason, when making an appointment with someone, based on your photo edited by Facetune, be careful not to be disappointed in real life.


Another widely used tool is the tool that imitates a stamp, which is like a passport stamp. Another great advantage is that after the user has finished editing their photos, it only takes one click to share them on their social media.

If we could classify the application in question, it would be 99% positive, as everything in this life is not perfect 100%, one of the highlighted negative points is the fact that it is only available in English. However, the application is so intuitive that the fact that it is in English does not interfere with its use.


How to download and install the app

If the user is interested in installing the application in question, he just needs to go to the store accredited to his mobile device, in the case of devices that use the Android system, the virtual store is “play store“,” in this case just type the name of the application “Facetune” in the search to download and install the application.

For users who use cell phones with the “IOS” system, that is, iPhones, just go to the accredited store with your phone, in this case the accredited store is the “Apple Store” and then type the name of the application in the search in question, download and install it, everything is also very fast and easy.

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