Basic Basket 2024 – Registration


The Federal Government's Basic Basket Program is a food distribution service that aims to ensure adequate food for low-income families. The program was created in 2004 and provides basic foodstuffs such as rice, beans, oil, sugar, flour, among others.

The Federal Government's Basic Basket Program is financed by the Ministry of Social and Agrarian Development (MDS) and made possible by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES).

The program is aimed at families with a monthly family income of up to half the minimum wage per person.

The distribution of food baskets is carried out through partnerships with local institutions, such as City Halls, Neighborhood Associations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and others. The amount of food baskets provided depends on the number of people in the family and family income.


In addition to food distribution, the Federal Government's Basic Basket Program also offers access to other services, such as training courses, entrepreneurship workshops and social assistance programs.

Learn more about the Federal Government's Basic Basket Program

The Federal Government's Basic Basket Program is an important service to ensure adequate food for low-income families. It offers basic food and access to other services, thus increasing the chances of these families to improve their living conditions.

The Brazilian government provides basic food baskets to help needy families access essential foodstuffs. Registration is done directly at the city hall of the city where the family resides.

First, the family needs to go to the city hall and request the registration. It is necessary to bring supporting documents, such as RG, CPF, proof of residence and proof of income.

When attending the city hall, the documents will be verified and, if approved, the family will receive a password to access the government portal. From there, you can access the portal and register.

After registration, it will be necessary to wait for the analysis of the request. If approved, the family will receive the basic food basket. Delivery is made directly to the family home.


It is important to remember that the basic basket is a temporary aid from the government. It is necessary to keep up to date with the documents so that the family can continue to receive the benefit.

It is important to highlight that the basic basket is not an acquired right, but aid provided by the government. As such, it is important that families who need this assistance go to the city hall and request registration.

Basic Baskets 2023 – A program for the people

The Basic Basket 2023 program is a Federal Government initiative to provide a minimum amount of food for low-income families.

The program was created to help Brazilian families face the effects of the economic crisis, which has worsened since the beginning of 2020.

A Basic Basket 2023 aims to ensure that each family can purchase basic foods, such as rice, beans, sugar, milk, oil, flour, pasta, coffee, eggs, fruits and vegetables.


The program aims to serve around 5 million low-income Brazilian families.

The Federal Government has already announced that it will invest R$ 5 billion to guarantee the distribution of food to these families. The program will be financed with resources from the General Budget of the Union and also with resources from Caixa Econômica Federal.

Furthermore, the Federal Government intends to encourage family farming, to ensure that food is purchased directly from families and not from large supermarkets.

This way, it will be possible to guarantee quality food and lower prices for Brazilian families.

The program Basic Basket 2023 it also intends to encourage the adoption of healthy eating habits, with the inclusion of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the basic food basket.

With the Cesta Básica 2023 program, the Federal Government intends to guarantee that all Brazilian families have access to basic foodstuffs, so that they can face the economic crisis and have access to healthy eating habits.
