Society football – Book the best court for a little less!


You like to play soccer society? If this is a sport that catches your eye, we have great news! Today we bring you a tool that is capable of making the way you organize your matches much more interesting. This is thanks to a demand among athletes that needed to be met. But we cannot fail to consider technological advances.

O soccer society continues to be a sport practiced face-to-face on a court. However, the matchmaking process has been upgraded to a virtual version. Making the investment of time necessary for the famous weekend “peladinha” to decrease. So you can dedicate yourself with much more power to games.

Even players from soccer society want ease in some moments. Training can continue to be intense, even with a simple and objective organization through an application in the games. If you want to understand and also take advantage of this tool that is on the market, you will just need to stay with us a little longer.

Society Football – What is it?

Society football is a sport directly linked to classic football but in a different modality. In this game mode, the number of players changes for each side. Two teams, consisting of seven players each. There is also a difference for the coaching staff involved in these matches. Two judges are used.

The matches take place on a rectangular court that needs to have synthetic grass as the ground. This is one of the main characteristics of Society football. In addition, the timing of games is also different. Two halves of 25 minutes each. Just like the conventional football that we are used to, the scorer with the most goals wins.


That is, the team that scores the most points will have won at the end of the game. This sport is among one of the most played today and is a great success among audiences of all ages. Now that there is an application capable of easily organizing matches, the sport has become even more popular. Having many players in "early career" in this world.

Soccer society – Available in the app

To organize your society football matches more easily, an application was created and has had thousands of positive feedbacks. With it, people can register and rent a court prepared for matches. But don't think that the organization of this application is limited to finding a court for you to play society football.

The platform also offers an organization of matches by team within this court. In this way, it is possible to register each player present on the day of the football team. Thus, users can register teams and record the time of each one so that the division of time on the court is equal and fair. It is also possible to be returning in individual performance.

According to the skills and how people play, other registered users can rate the performance of their colleagues. In this way, it is possible to highlight the best players in each match and even play with those who, at the end of the day, were considered the “stilts”. The possibilities in the app are huge and limitless.


For those of you who enjoy a good game of society football, we have some great tips! I'm not a guy anyway and staying planted on the court may not be enough for many people and that's why we didn't bring some tips that will be the differential in your training. In this way, with clear and objective topics, you will be able to reassess your performance and try to improve the aspects that have been difficult.

  • Defining desired goals and skills is a good start to walk your journey;
  • Training with constancy and balance will make the difference so that you don't saturate your muscles and always improve your skills;
  • Using appropriate equipment is important to not get hurt and to have better results;
  • Having good health in general is not directly contributing to your performance in any physical activity.

install to book

If you liked this application that helps you organize your society football matches, the time has come to take it a step further. You will need to check some requirements if you want to download the app. If this is your case, first check your internet connection. You'll get much better results if you're connected to a Wi-Fi network.

In addition, you also need to have internal storage and up-to-date hardware. If your device is compatible with everything required by the app, the installation will be released on the platform we indicate to our readers. Google Play has been around for years providing secure downloads to Android phone users.

To find the application you are looking for, do a search using the search bar on the platform's home page. Download times vary depending on your internet speed. Our page brings applications that seek to make people's lives easier and turn boring tasks into opportunities. To discover our contents, just browse through our categories.

Good luck and good games!