Free Covid Compass App – Find out about Covid-19


O free covid compass app It has been highly praised by users, as it was created as a way to help the entire population with regard to care for covid 19. Given that commerce is returning to work across the country, we still need to be very careful.

With this application, the user will have special help when he needs to leave the house, because through the app, the user can check all the information about the places he is going. It is also possible to find out if there are crowds in the establishment where the user needs to go.

As free covid compass app, it is much easier to prevent covid-19, despite vaccination being advanced across the country, special care is still needed, given that the effectiveness of vaccines is not 100%. We still need to take care of ourselves.

Free Covid Compass app
Image: (Google) Free Covid Compass app

What is free covid compass app 

The app was a great idea for the developers, with the aim of increasing prevention and preventing the spread of covid in Brazil. Its main characteristic is to provide security to the user, as it monitors the places with the highest risk of contagion, in addition to showing the best routes.

You can see through the application all the information about the places that have a high risk of contamination and you can also follow the places that are adhering to all safety standards, which is why they are safer. It's really worth installing the app.


In this way, users can share all the information of the establishments, and this is visible to all users of the application. It is also possible to send data in real time, in order to prevent more people from gathering in a place where there is already a large number of people.

Who created the free covid compass app 

First of all, we need to congratulate the developers of this application, which is of public utility and of paramount importance today, Professor "Adalberto Miquelino", who is part of the Federal University of Alagoas with specialization in the course of information systems, in partnership with another great master in the area ”Ivo calado”, who is part of the Science and Technology of the Federal Institute. 

It is worth remembering that to develop the application, the project got very important help from the Ministry of Education, which was the one who funded the creation and adaptation phase with its own resources and also the final testing phase. Congratulations to the Ministry of Education for the initiative!

Really nowadays, applications have helped us a lot, there are applications for everything, for everyone, it would be good if developers always created more applications that helped people with health, education and security. Here's a tip for governments.

Application features

  • It is a totally interactive and free application, which provides information about places and establishments, both in relation to the agglomeration and the security of the place.
  • It is possible to leave the house, access the "location history" tab in the application, through it, it is possible to check if the place is full, or if it still complies with all safety standards.
  • Everything is done and evaluated by users, that is, everything is real 100%.
  • When you open the application, you will be able to view all the areas of agglomeration, as well as the areas with the highest risk of contagion.
  • Through the application, before leaving home, it is possible to check the best route, and the places that needed to be avoided.

app features

The application has a wide range of resources to help everyone protect themselves during this pandemic period, in order to avoid an increase in contagion. Really, this app should have been launched right at the beginning of the pandemic, as it would have avoided many contagions.


Through the risk map, the user will be able to find all the indications of the main routes, and the quietest and safest ones, in order to be able to move around safely. Everything was very well thought out and carried out by the developers, every detail is very important.

It is also possible to access, through the application, the references and the history of all the measures that may prevent the increase in the contagion of covid. It is also possible to interact with other users to know in real time what is happening in the places.

how to download app

If the user needs to download an application, in order to protect themselves from the pandemic in an increased way, just access the category of applications on their system, if they use Android, they must go to the Play Store and type the term “compass app” in the search covid”, then just download, install and start using.

For iOS system users, the process is exactly the same, everything is very fast and very easy to do, right after downloading and installing the application, in a few clicks you will be able to know which are the places with agglomerations, and the establishments that are more dangerous for contagion.

For more information on the apps that are revolutionizing the world, visit our apps category. Good luck!