Macros – FIT app to track calories


Have you ever thought about being able to use an application that can calculate your macros? If you want to make your diet more balanced and know everything you consume in your meals, today we have great news for you! One of the most common concerns among people is taking care of their health and bodies.

People have been aiming for well-being and physical quality. In this way achieving an aesthetic closer to what they want. Furthermore, improving not only the quality but also its life expectancy with the count of macros. We know that for this to be possible it is necessary to combine a balanced diet and physical activity. And this app has a full focus when it comes to your diet.

The proposal of macros it's quite interesting for the Fit world. Because it helps people with different goals to achieve the desired results. This is because you are the protagonist of your food. Being able to decide if you want a focused diet for your bulking or cutting. And that's exactly what we're going to explain to you next. 

Macros (Google Image)

Macros – Diet Types

Counting macros may seem like a difficult task for many, but in this article you will see how easy it is to organize your food. Remembering that we only intend to explain the functioning of these two types of diet in a brief and shallow way. Emphasizing the importance of looking for a nutrition professional to do any type of diet.

In the cutting diet we find people who want to reduce their percentage of body fat. For this to be possible, it is necessary to maintain a good diet with the consumption of foods that are considered “clean”. That is, non-processed foods that can compromise the balance of your diet. Like sausages and soft drinks.


When cutting, you consume less calories than if you do, and for that you need to be doing training or physical activities along with your diet. Those who are in the bulking phase are looking for an increase in muscle mass. Reconciling load training with a diet containing more calories than is spent. Thus providing greater development of muscles.

Macros – Application features

This macro counting application is very complete in what it proposes. Through it, it is possible to be accounting for all the macros that you consume during your days. Just by entering the name of the food and the amount to be consumed, you will be able to have an idea of the amount of carbohydrate, fat and protein consumed. In addition to other important macronutrients.

You may be putting in what you intend to eat during the day. This way we can plan how many calories you will consume in that period. You can even organize yourself in advance by making your lunchboxes or just separating the foods you want to use that day.

Regarding the layout of the app, we can say that the use is very interesting and fluid. All employees are well organized and positioned on the platform. This considerably facilitates the speed and ease with which we find the desired options. In addition, the application is very light, which makes your cell phone memory not a problem.

Strong points 

This macro counting app is full of possibilities for you to improve your diet and consequently your health. But for those who don't know it, it can be difficult to ponder its quality due to lack of knowledge. In order to make the benefits of this application more evident, we decided to make a list of the main strengths present in it.

  • Possibility to customize your caloric needs in the app;
  • Calculator all registered macronutrients;
  • Diet tips in the APP;
  • Calculation of net carbohydrates for your diet;
  • Option to choose your goal in the diet, with options for cutting, bulking and much more;
  • Nutritional information of various foods;
  • Customized food library;
  • Integrated barcode reader;
  • Creation of recipes according to the desired caloric consumption.

How to install

Now that you have a sense of the potential of this application counting macros, we'll show you how easy it is to find and install. On the Google Play platform you can find different applications for free. The application also guarantees you security when downloading files. Making you able to use the app without worry.

To find the application you must be searching for its name through the search bar. After performing this search, you will find an option to install below the title. For this option to be available to you, you need to have enough memory on your cell phone and an Android version compatible with the one required by the application.

Remembering that this procedure can be done through cell phones or tablets without any problem. Having an internet connection is also essential for the download to be successful. If you are interested in improving your quality of life, know that in curious look this is our priority. Bring different information that will be adding to your life and your day to day.

Good luck and happy reading!