Fun Radio – Radio stations on your watch


You have a smartwatch but still don't know the fun radio, or still don't quite understand what he is? Today we bring you a very interesting feature for users of this type of watch, who are interested in staying on top of the news and listening to great music! All this without the need for a helper app to be downloaded onto your phone.

That's right! O fun radio is an independent application that has been the talk of the crowd who likes to keep up to date with the technologies of the moment. It is not news to anyone that the radio has been a great success since its invention. Your style of content appeals to many people.

O fun radio manages to serve a wide range of audiences due to its variety of subjects and musical styles that are broadcast throughout the day. In addition, being a mobilizer made for those who like mobility and access to information in real time. Interested? Below we will explain everything about this application for you!

fun radio
Fun Radio (image from Google)

Fun Radio – What is it

Fun Radio is a platform that encourages its users in many ways. Through the audio format, you can access radio stations that broadcast content 24 hours a day. The proposal is very similar to that of a normal radio, like the ones we use in our computers and even in our car stereos.

The proposal of this application is united together with that of a smartwatch. Just like the watch, the app offers users mobility and quality of service. This application was made with the intention of being downloaded through the system of one of these watches. And a very interesting point is that it does not need a support application to work on the watch.


For those who appreciate old-time radios, one thing is for sure, in addition to taking advantage of the features you already had in the past, the mobile version is much broader and more sophisticated. But of course this occurs without losing the essence that the radios as we used to listen transmitted to our daily lives. This is the future of radio!

Fun Radio – app structure

Speaking more specifically about the structure of the application, Fun Radio presents its users with a very wide availability of content right away. You will be surprised by the more than 25,000 radios available internationally for you to study for free. Using only your smartwatch.

The platform is very well organized and you will be able to access these radios in a very simple way. Thanks for the search bar that can take you to the radio of your choice in a matter of seconds. In addition, you can favorite the radios that you like to listen to the most. Thus facilitating the procedure in your day to day.

Because this is a platform compatible with your smartwatch, you will soon realize that all functions are aimed at the practicality of using a watch. You don't have difficulties and it doesn't take long to access the application, find the radio you want and start playing media. The other functions are also super efficient in the app!


Fun Radio phrases a wide variety of radios that you will definitely identify with. For many, what matters most is not the structure of the application, but the content it provides to users. Knowing how much this influences when people choose a good application, we decided to bring some radios that we find interesting for you to use as an example and decide whether or not it is worth downloading the application.

  • Bates FM – Hard Rock;
  • Amália Radio;
  • Radio Alfa 98.6 FM;
  • Cardal Radio;
  • Young Pan News FM;
  • CBN FM radio;
  • Radio Gazeta FM 88.1;
  • Radio Cultura Brazil FM.


Fun Radio is a application that stands out among the rest because of its wide accessibility for users. This is due to its availability on a trusted platform so that users can install the application safely and worry-free. Google Play has been bringing a great service to its users for many years!

With it you will find several free or paid applications for your cell phone and your smartwatch. The installation procedure is very easy and depends only on your internet connection and your smart watch charged. To find the app, just access the platform on your watch and use your search bar to search for it.

The procedure is very quick and does not depend on a cell phone to go with the application working. This whole method takes a few seconds, but this may vary depending on your internet connection. Our blog is on top of the technologies that are arriving on the market daily. If you want to stay in the know, just follow us and browse through our different categories.

Enjoy and have a good day!