Gas Aid: Find out how to request the benefit


Auxílio Gás is a social program created by the Brazilian government to help low-income families buy cooking gas cylinders.

The program was launched in 2021 as a support measure during the COVID-19 pandemic and has been a huge success ever since.

Gas Aid is financial aid that is deposited directly into the beneficiaries' bank account.

The aid amount is R$ 100 per month and can be used to purchase cooking gas cylinders.


The program is aimed at families with a monthly income of up to three minimum wages and who do not receive other social benefits from the government.

How Gas Aid Works

Auxílio Gás is a federal government program that aims to help low-income families have access to cooking gas.

The program is aimed at people who are registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs.

There are two types of Gas Aid: the Gas Valley and the Government Gas Kit.

Next, the differences between these modalities will be explained.

Federal Government Gas Valley

Vale Gás is a card that is given to families who benefit from the program.


This card is loaded monthly with an amount that can be used to purchase cooking gas.

The value of the benefit varies according to the region of the country and can be found on the program's website.

To use Vale Gás, the beneficiary family must go to a gas retailer and present the card.

The value of the benefit will be deducted from the total purchase price and the family will only pay the difference.

Government Gas Kit

The Government Gas Kit is another type of Gas Aid.


In this modality, the government provides a kit with a gas cylinder, a hose and a pressure regulator.

This kit is delivered directly to the beneficiary family’s home.

To receive the Government Gas Kit, the beneficiary family must be registered in the Single Registry and meet the criteria defined by the program.

The government analyzes the family's socioeconomic situation to check whether they are entitled to the benefit.

Getting the Benefit

Auxílio Gás is a government program that offers a cash benefit to help low-income families buy cooking gas.

To obtain the benefit, you need to follow some steps.

How to Get the Gas Voucher

The first step to getting a gas voucher is to check if you are eligible for the program.

Gas Aid is intended for families who are registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs and who have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person.

If you meet the eligibility criteria, you must look for the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) closest to your home to register for the program.

CRAS is responsible for evaluating the information provided by beneficiaries and issuing the gas voucher.

Registering for Government Gas Aid

To register for Government Gas Aid, it is necessary to present some documents, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and proof of income.

In addition, you must inform the number of people living in the house and their respective ages.

After registration, the beneficiary will receive a magnetic card that will be used to collect the gas voucher at one of the establishments accredited by the program.

It is important to remember that the gas voucher can only be used to purchase 13kg cylinders.

With Auxílio Gás, low-income families can save money when purchasing cooking gas, ensuring greater safety and comfort in their homes.
