Government of SP opens 3,790 vacancies for free courses


Good news! The government of SP offers vacancies for free courses, that's right, even during this period of difficulty with public health, it is possible to participate in this program of the state government of São Paulo. And still get paid for it! It arrived on time!

In view of the current pandemic, having vacancies for free courses, and on top of that, paid, it's great news, especially for self-employed people and low-income people, it's worth remembering that you have to meet some basic requirements. Stay tuned for information about the courses.

To participate in the government program and be able to apply for vacancies for free courses, applicants must register by March 30, if there is a lot of demand, preference will be given to low-income, unemployed and physically disabled people.

Image: (Google) Vacancies for free courses

Vacancies for paid courses

The government of the state of São Paulo, through the Secretariat for Economic Development and also the Secretariat for Science and Technology, offers 3,790 vacancies in totally free courses with professional qualification, the citizen who gets one of the vacancies will be entitled to an aid in the amount of R$ 210 transferred from the Via Rapida program.

All courses are of short duration and apply in different areas such as: information technology, content creation for social networks, and website creation. There are fully live class options used in the Distance Learning model. It really is a good way out at this very crucial moment.


Well, the citizen, in addition to being able to learn a new profession, at the same time, is entitled to a small aid, which will certainly help in everyday life, and as the course will be done completely online, the citizen in question will not incur transportation expenses , and will have no health risks, as everything is homemade.

Cities contemplated with vacancies for free courses

  • São Paulo
  • Sao Lourenco da Serra
  • Sao Caetano do Sul
  • Saint Andrew
  • São Bernardo do Campo
  • Mairiporã
  • Mogi das Cruzes
  • Biritiba-Mirim
  • caieiras
  • cajamar
  • Diadem
  • Embu das Artes
  • Ferraz de Vasconcelos
  • Francisco Morato
  • Guarulhos
  • Itaquaquecetuba
  • Juquitiba
  • carapicuíba

how to apply

O prazo para as inscrições para os cursos estão abertas e poderão ser realizadas até o dia 30 de março de 2021 através do site Via Rápida. O chamamento dos candidatos escolhidos será informado através do e-mail cadastrado e o início das aulas está previsto para o início de abril.

It is worth remembering that only citizens over 16 years old who live in the State of São Paulo can register. The tip is to be aware of the registration deadline, and in case people do not know how to register on the website mentioned above, just ask someone close to you for help with this task.

To help people who were selected to take the course, the project will provide the amount of R$210.00, it is worth mentioning that this amount will be paid in a single installment, that is, the student who takes part in the course receives this amount only once . It's little, actually, but of paramount importance to some people.

Requirements to receive assistance

To fully receive the benefit, you must be unemployed and have attended at least 10 days of the course, the citizen cannot be receiving unemployment insurance or other aid from the Economic Development Secretariat.


The available resource will also be valid for the respective courses of 60 to 160 hours at SP Tech and SP Criativo, and will be available for only 30 days after proper official communication via email. Attention is needed to meet all requirements and dates, to gain access to the course and the benefit.  

course certificate

For students who meet the basic requirements and who get a place in free and paid courses, and who complete the minimum mandatory workload, will receive a certificate specific to the respective course studied. It is worth remembering that the best jobs are given to the most capable.

Courses such as social network managers, for example, are currently very popular, as all small companies need trained managers in this area. In this case, the certificate helps a lot when it comes to getting clients, or even taking up a job.

For more fresh information on apps, tips and technology, visit our apps category, and find out what's going on in today's world, it's worth remembering that informed people manage to generate more opportunities for their own lives. Good luck, and until next time!