Gshow – See how to vote for the BBB using the application


To participate in the BBB 21 voting, the user needs to enter the platform gshow. When Big Brother Brasil started more than 20 years ago, the internet already existed, however, it was still in its very beginning, and people voted for their good guys and villains exclusively through the website.

Time passed and the internet grew, and today, the application gshow, is booming, and the vast majority of votes obtained by the program come from mobile devices through the application. With this new tool, the number of votes increased considerably.

The application gshow, gave the program a real boost, which had been falling in audience in recent years, it is good to remember that users can watch the program 24 hours a day, anywhere, so it is easy to know everything that happens in the house and still vote, all this in the palm of your hand and in a few clicks.

Image: (Google) Gshow

Vote on the wall through the Gshow application

For users who choose to vote for the BBB 21 wall through the Gshow app, just follow the tips below, everything is very easy, and even older people or people with little intimacy with technology will be able to perform the task quickly and easily .


To be able to participate in the voting via the Gshow app, first the user in question will need to create a Globo account, it's all intuitive, just fill out a short registration form, or even sign in with your Facebook or Gmail, these last options make the process easier. fast.

Once this is done, just download the Gshow application from the accredited store of your device, right after downloading and installing it and already duly registered, just click on the BBB tab that is at the bottom of the screen, and then click on the banner that will be publicized the name and photo of the participants of that wall. It's just a matter of voting.

Gshow app is safe

It is true that nowadays, we really need to take a step back when it comes to apps, as many of them are spy apps, which aim to spy on user behavior, or even install unwanted viruses that can drive anyone crazy.

The tip is: download and install a good antivirus and keep it always updated, because that way the user guarantees the minimum security in relation to his data and images. Another tip is to see the number of downloads of the app in question and also check the user ratings.

In the case of the Gshow application, it is a very downloaded app, with a considerable average score, in addition to belonging to the Globo group, which is already well known to the Brazilian public. There are no relevant complaints in the case of this app. It is worth remembering that you always need to check everything about the app.

Main features of the app

  • Free, lightweight, fast and easy to download and install
  • Users can vote as many times as they want, all done intuitively.
  • Updated interface very beautiful and easy to operate
  • BBB program highlights in real time
  • Same content as the old desktop platform
  • In addition to being able to vote for the BBB, the user stays on top of all the news from the Globo group
  • Exclusive tips on the schedule of the day, in addition to being able to review some of your favorite programs
  • For BBB subscribers on the app, it is possible to stay connected 24 hours a day to everything that happens in the most guarded house in the country.

BBB the program that conquered the world

Have you ever stopped to think that the BBB is shown all over the world and for over 20 years? What would be the main characteristics of overwhelming success and for so long? These are really intriguing and, at the same time, complex questions, because how to explain this resounding success being so simple?


Well, let's talk a little bit about that. The program confines many people of different characteristics for a long period of time, and besides, everything in the program breeds competition and disagreement. Any resemblance to current life? Is the BBB a miniature of real life?

Who does well on the BBB? They are usually the most sincere and real people who have attributes such as charisma and internal and external beauty. Wouldn't that be the case in normal life too? We live in a highly competitive world, where values such as physical beauty and status are worth more than who we really are.

How to download and install the app

If the user has identified himself with the app in question, and wants to download and install the Gshow application, just go to the play store in the case of users using devices with the Android system, and type in the search ”Gshow”. Then just download and install.

For users using Apple devices, it is necessary to enter the Apple store online store, and perform exactly the same procedure described above, everything is very quick and easy to do.

For more information and app tips, visit our apps category, and stay on top of everything that goes on in the world of apps, it's worth remembering that it's always good to check the apps, so you don't have undesirable problems. Good luck!
