How about visiting the planet Mars using the Google Mars platform?


Have you ever thought about visiting another planet without leaving your home? the platform Google Mars takes you on a fascinating journey to the red planet! That's right, it is already possible to take a trip to outer space using the platform's tools, even more experienced users in the world of astronomy approved the tool.

In addition to Google Earth, which allows you to search the planet earth, the Google Mars allows the user to enter the world unknown to humans, the graceful planet "Mars". In addition to being a study tool for many advanced users, the tool is also a lot of fun for more curious users.

In the past, trips required rockets, but nowadays the Google Mars, through technology takes you directly to the planet most similar to Earth, perhaps due to its proximity to the planet, despite the fact that it is much smaller than our planet. Really, this sidereal subject is very impactful!

Image; (Google)Google Mars

Google Mars

This wonderful tool was invented in 2009, but only in 2012 was it updated, gaining several new functions. The tool itself is very similar to Google's other famous tool, Google Earth, the big difference is that the planet Mars is at an approximate distance of 480 million kilometers from our planet.

Among the functions that the application offers, such as photos, location data, or even geographic data, there are many other pieces of information that are important for more specific users. The application allows you to look at craters, mountains, plains or even dunes or the entire surface of the planet.


It is also possible to take a trip to study the spaceships that have already traveled to the red planet, it is also possible to study the history of each ship in question. In addition, the user can still visit the planet having the infrared vision, normal and can still choose the color versions and even search for coordinates.

Where does the information come from

All information provided by the Google Mars application comes from the renowned Arizona State University, located in the United States. It is worth remembering that NASA recently landed the so famous Rouver on the planet Mars, with that soon, the application and the information will be properly updated, as the information does not stop arriving.

You will remember that NASA had already launched another Rouver entitled “Curiosite” where for many years it sent data, photos and even videos here to our blue planet, these data were used to update the platforms of Google Mars. It is worth remembering that the planet Mars has already been observed, studied by astronomers on planet Earth since the 1970s.

To have such precise information, it was enough to combine all the information that was acquired in previous missions with the current information, which is indisputable, as it is proven by scientific measurements, but also by high resolution photos and videos. Very integral isn't it?

How to use the platform or application

An important piece of information is that the Google Mars platform can also be accessed by mobile device, in addition to the computer, of course. Another option is to access the older Google Earth application, and put it in its “Mars” function. The computer experience is more pleasant because of a larger screen or higher resolution.


To start using the application, the user must enter the first "menu" and choose one of three options: "Elevation" which will show the image of the planet in color, allowing the user to differentiate the mountains from the craters, for users who want an image more realistic just click on “visible” in this case the image is in black and white.

In the “infrared” option, it is possible to record the large temperature variations on Mars, in addition to showing clouds or even particles from the atmosphere. It is also possible to visualize exactly the places where the ships sent to the planet have already landed, for that the user needs to go to the “spacecraft” option.

Evidences of life on other planets

  • The first indication is the very vastness of the cosmos, because among billions of galaxies that have millions of suns with an inestimable number of planets, it is practically impossible for there not to be life on other planets.
  •  Modern earth science always links the possibility of life on another planet, the existence of water, however, science itself has already realized that life can develop according to the peculiarities of each planet.
  • Every day, new exoplanets are being discovered, that is, planets that are outside our solar system, and that can also harbor life, to give you an idea, more than four thousand planets existing outside our solar system have already been catalogued.
  •  It is worth remembering that everything that exists in the universe is natural from the universe itself, that is, it is the nature of the universe, if we think like this everything is alive and there is life everywhere.

How to download and install the application or access the platform

For users who are interested in taking an extraordinary trip to the red planet, either through the platform on their computer or through the exclusive Google application, just access the Google's website, and browse all the tools available on the platform. It will be a fascinating journey!

Now, if the user wants to make his interplanetary trip through the Google Mars application, he just needs to go to the accredited store of his cell phone, in the case of Android devices, the accredited store is “play store“, and type word Google Mars, then just download the app and install it

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