How to wean puppies?


You need to know how to wean puppies? If you have a dog that has just had puppies, know what you need to do to not compromise the health of the puppies or the mother, considering that weaning is necessary.

Of course, mother nature knows very well what to do, however, it doesn't hurt to lend a hand and help our pets when it comes to weaning, that is, there is the correct period for weaning, after which the puppies no longer need milk. They usually start eating pasty food.

To know how to wean puppies, it is necessary to remember that we humans are one of the only species that continues to drink milk in adult life, however, theoretically this would not be necessary, since all other mammalian animals do not continue to drink milk after the weaning period.

How to wean puppies?
Image: (Google) How to wean puppies?

Learn how to wean puppies

This is certainly one of the main questions asked by people with animals that end up having puppies at home, however, according to veterinarian Mayara de Souza, weaning puppies from puppies can already be done as early as the fourth week of existence.

It is worth remembering that exactly at this time, the first teeth begin to erupt, which is why it usually causes a lot of discomfort for the bitch, as the puppies start to bite when suckling, which is very uncomfortable. In many cases it even bleeds.


Usually the weaning period varies from dog to dog, from breed to breed. However, usually after the first month of life, it is already possible to wean correctly, but it is necessary to do it gradually, just as it is done with humans, in the case of six- to eight-week-old animals.

How to Wean Puppies – The Process

  • In the beginning, it is necessary to offer softer foods, so that the puppy can eat alone and thus get used to the food.
  • It is a consensus for the vast majority of veterinarians that four weeks are enough for puppies to begin to be interested in other foods, as their teeth are already starting to form, so it is normal for them to start eating other things that don't be milk.
  • Over time, the puppies again start to eat by themselves, and you don't even need to accompany them anymore, but the owner needs to follow the process, to prevent the animals from putting their lives at risk, given that many puppies end up choking the first few times they start eating other types of food.

How to give soft foods at weaning

This baby food needs to be very rich in nutrients, as this phase is necessary for the puppy to develop healthily. Super easy to do.

This type of food should be given to the puppy soon after finishing the preparation. If the puppy does not eat everything, the rest should be thrown away to avoid contamination and disease from them. We need to pay attention to the manufacturers' tips that are on the label.

We know that the "pet" market grows more every day, perhaps because we started to treat our animal friends, especially dogs, as if they were humans, with all the treats, varied foods and even leisure.

When to start feeding

This subject is interesting, considering that soft food for weaning is a food that must be given in a short time, that is, temporarily, it is necessary to understand when the animals can eat feed, considering that this weaning period is Very short.


Just like us humans, the mother's milk cannot be cut to baby food at once, there is exactly a transition time for the baby to start eating, that's why, it is necessary to observe the development of the puppies and give adequate rations slowly.

Everything goes by very quickly, as animals develop much faster than humans when it comes to dogs, so if you have any questions, seek a veterinarian to clarify and thus provide the best assistance for your pets.

To train or not to train a dog

Usually when the dog passes this weaning phase, that is, it starts to feed on food, the training process can already be started, it is worth remembering that the sooner it starts the better, because the dog will learn and will be more educated, and more fun also..

The tip is to do the training, because no one deserves a rude dog, who thinks he rules the house, here he rules the owners, and on top of that he has the right to destroy everything he sees in front of him, not to mention that it is impossible to walk a dog unbridled.

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