How to download and install the student digital card


The student card is considered a very valuable tool, as with it you can enjoy discounts on products, different offers, shopping, movies, bookstores, cafes, among others. You, as a student, should not be without it, especially now that it is a digital student card.

In the same way as the physical card, but now virtually on the cell phone. Called student ID, it serves to get discounts in the same way as the physical card. The student only has to demonstrate the digital card at the cinema, cultural events, etc. to receive the discount.

The student ID is only available to students or more who are correctly enrolled in a school, college or university in the Ministry of Education database – MEC can download and access the digital student card.

Students under the age of 18 will need to complete the process with their guardian. If you currently have interrupted your studies but plan to re-enroll in an institution of study, you can do so when you re-enroll.

Benefits of the student digital card

The student ID card offers more flexibility, allowing students across the country to instantly prove their official student status and access student discounts and offers across the country.


The student digital card intends to fulfill the objective of supporting the improvement of intercultural understanding, increasing opportunities. For students and improve the quality of life for students across the country.

Student ID will combat counterfeiting by both students and business people.

How to apply for a digital student card?

To benefit from the student's digital card, students take a photo of their own face and driver's license (CNH) or identity card (RG) that will be used to compare images. From there, the identification of the veracity of the document will be by the QR code.

As of 2021, a student institution will only issue a digital student card if it consults the Brazilian Educational System (SEB) and the MEC database.

As for the physical student card, what will happen?

It stays the same. The traditional student card can still be issued, but in this case the educational institution requests the document by units such as UNE (National Union of Students), UBES (National Union of Secondary Students) and ANPG (National Association of Graduate Students ) and also registers at UNE.


By the traditional method, the card is paid, in contrast, the student's digital card is issued free of charge.

How to download student ID card?

Before downloading the student's digital card, confirm that your school has registered your data with SEB. Then go to the Google Play or App Store and search for Student ID.

To download Android: Student ID

To download iOS: Student ID