Free photo caricature maker app


Did you know there is a app to create cartoon? And the best, totally free? That's right! In this article, let's find out about this very popular application that creates very fun caricatures!


Especially children and teenagers have a lot of fun with caricatures of friends and family. It may seem silly, but using caricatures can be something very interesting, not only for fun, but also to improve your engagement with fans using your own caricature.

If you are a public person, or even using famous caricatures (with authorization) to draw attention to your publication. Have one app to create cartoon, makes the process much easier, considering that not all people know how to draw well, the application promises in a few clicks to transform any photograph of a human being into a perfect caricature!

Remember, if you use photos of famous people or third parties, you must have authorization to publish them.

Application to create caricature – MomentCam

How about converting your photos into fun caricatures? You can take a photo directly from your cell phone and create your caricature very quickly, then, in just one click, you can share the result, completely free of charge, it's worth knowing!


Through the app, you can create hilarious situations, you can create fantastic combinations, have you ever thought about being a famous football player, or even a Hollywood superstar, or who knows, simply a fantastic hero of your own life! Whatever your choice, one thing we can guarantee, fun will be guaranteed!

The coolest thing about this fabulous application is that it is super light, simple and very easy to use. The free version is available in accredited application stores, in a few clicks, you will be able to test all the powerful tools of this application. Developers are really getting bolder every day.

Application to create caricature – Features

  • It's possible to turn you and your friends into very fun caricatures, or even turn them into animated emotions.
  • Through this application, you can save your caricatures and emotions directly on your SD card.
  • You can share your results directly on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
  • The app provides an opportunity to join a community of millions of users around the world.


Using caricatures professionally

It may seem that the application is only for recreational use, however, if you use your head a little, you will realize that you can use this application to create incredible caricatures, to draw more attention to your posts, thus engaging and having better results. results in your campaigns.

If you create professional campaigns on Facebook or Instagram, or through Google Ads, this application is worth knowing, considering that animated posts with caricatures tend to attract more attention from users, as well as provide more clicks on the publication, or that is, improving your results.

Thousands of people use these applications for commercial purposes, that is, they use their results to improve their interaction with their target audience. Actually nowadays, it is necessary to be very creative to be able to call people's attention in the midst of a flood of information and images on social media.


rights of use

If you want to use this fantastic application and create your own caricatures, you will really have many possibilities to use the results on social media, whether to entertain, amuse, engage, generate more clicks, among others. However, if you are going to use caricatures professionally, or to gain some profit through them, you must be careful.

In this case, if you use third-party photos without proper authorization, you run the risk of having your campaign interrupted, due to image rights, which is why you need to be very careful in this regard, so as not to generate frustration in your campaign, as well as generating endless costs, processes and headaches, just because of one post.

Ask for permission, even if it's your cousin, brother or close friend, because in the future, if you have a disagreement with him, he may use this post to request resources related to your image rights. For this very reason, it is necessary to be creative, but it is also necessary to be a proactive person, and also careful.

How to download the app


If you want to start creating amazing and super funny caricatures, thus amusing not only your friends but also your family, just enter your app store, and type the name of the app, then the app will appear for you to click, download and install. In just a few clicks, you will be able to share your results on your social networks.

For more information about amazing apps, visit our apps category. As we have already said throughout this article, be careful with the image rights of third parties, as this can cause serious problems, in addition to being able to subtract resources from your campaigns.

Good luck!