CNH Social 2024 – Free driver’s license


Is it possible get a driver's license for free? That is, is it possible to have your qualification without having any cost for it? It would be wonderful, because in times of financial crisis and pandemic, many users do not have the resources to do so.

It is worth remembering that Brazil is one of the most expensive countries in the world to have a license, because in addition to the expenses with official bodies, there are also expenses with driving schools and instructors, in addition to the undesirable fees. Keep an eye out for the basic requirements to gain access to social CNH.

That's why it would be really good get a driver's license for free, we will see throughout this article how this demand works, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to follow all the rules stipulated by the accredited bodies, and it is also necessary to be careful with fraud and scams that offer authorization by other methods.

Driver's license for free – Find out how to apply

The first detail to be observed is that not all people are entitled to this resource, since this is a demand created to meet low-income people, for this very reason, there is no point in going to the Detran of your state, thinking that you will be able to the wallet quickly and easily without having to have the basic requirements for it.

It is also worth remembering that this is not a law, because although it seems to be logical, having a law that would benefit low-income drivers, that is not how it works, however, it is known as a social benefit, the famous " CNH Social”, which was created in some states in 2008 in others until 2011.


In this way, unemployed people and drivers who receive a maximum of three minimum wages can apply for a free license through a process, without having to spend anything for it, as it is not an initiative of the federal government, each state has its own rules to define the beneficiaries .

Driver's license for free – Who is entitled

Getting a driver's license for free varies a lot from state to state, as there are states that do not provide this feature, such as São Paulo, for example, which does not offer this option, and in the case of Rio de Janeiro it only offers it in parts.

Another important detail is that this option is not fully available during the year, as there is a rigorous selection process, to contemplate the people who really need it the most, the great advantage is being able to do everything online, which is why it is good to be always consulting to know when new vacancies will appear.

States that do not have the free CNH option

  •  Alagoas
  •  Amapá
  •  Mato Grosso
  •  Mato Grosso do Sul
  •  Minas Gerais
  •  For
  •  Paraná
  •  Pernambuco
  •  Piauí
  •  Rio Grande do Sul
  •  Rondônia
  •  Santa Catarina
  •  São Paulo
  •  Tocantins

States that offer the CNH Social

In this case, the tip is quite simple, if you live in a state that was not mentioned above, that is, in the option of states that do not have a free driver's license option, naturally your state includes this benefit for drivers. Keep an eye on your state's DMV website.

However, it is worth remembering that the rules are different for each state, and they can be really different, which is why you need to check with the Detran of your state that is accredited to issue the social CNH, to see if you fill out all the basic requirements.


Another important detail that must be emphasized is that this resource is not for all candidates, in all states that offer free driver's licenses, the benefit tends to benefit people who are in social vulnerability, or even low-income people, or who are in range of poverty and misery.

How long does it take to get a free license

Firstly, it is important to remember that the process of obtaining a license, that is, of obtaining a driver's license, whether through a social project or in the traditional way, paying all fees and taxes is the same. You have to work hard and study everything in order to pass the exam.

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What happens in the case of CNH Social is that the state governments bear these costs for licensed drivers, that is, if the driver is actually contemplated with a benefit, he will not spend anything to get his license, but he has to pass the exam.