How to hide photos and videos on mobile? Free App


Did you know you have how to hide photos and videos on mobile? Did you know that it is possible to do this through a free app? That's right! We will detail throughout this article all the particularities of this application that is already a success among Brazilian users.

This tool can be very useful, we don't always want to show our personal photos and videos, in which case we can create a block, so that it doesn't appear to other people, unless you want to. It is worth remembering that privacy nowadays is something rare, however, there are some tools that can help us.

if you learn how to hide photos and videos on mobile, you can have more description on your smartphone, for whatever reason, because, in fact, the reasons that lead people to hide their videos and photos on their cell phones can be very private or even professional.

How to hide photos and videos on mobile
Image: (Google) How to hide photos and videos on your cell phone

How to hide photos and videos on your cell phone – Discover the app

First let's talk about "Google photos", through it you have several ways to hide your photos and videos. The first tip is to file your photo, that way it will be taken from your gallery, but it will remain in your file folder and can be consulted whenever you want. It is also possible to configure a password, so that people only have access to the platform according to their password.

Not long ago, the application released the tool, which comes natively, so you can lock your folder, and thus hide your videos and photos. To do this, just enter "library", then "management" and then click on the "locked folder" option.


So just choose the "hide" option, that way these photos will not be seen in your main library. Apple really comes out ahead in many respects. It is worth remembering that in iOS 14, you can hide your photos, through the hidden folders and items tool, that way you can access the photos that were hidden from people.

How to hide photos and videos on your cell phone – Other ways

If you are a smartphone user with Android system, you can use an application to perform this task, called “Hiider App”. Through this application, you can hide any application on your cell phone, as it has the function of hiding content from other users, if you no longer want to use it, just uninstall it and everything goes back to normal.

You can also hide your videos and photos through the Samsung security folder, this feature is available for all smartphones that have Android 7 or higher. Through the application it is possible to hide documents, photos, through your fingerprint, or a password, however, people prefer the biometrics feature more because it is faster to unlock.

When you configure your folder, just click on "add applications", to choose what you want to hide, now just click on "add files" and they will be completely hidden. It really is a very interesting function, considering that there are many eavesdroppers on duty.

Advantages of the application

  • The first big advantage is hiding the content from people you don't want to access.
  • The second major advantage is the speed and ease of the entire process.
  • Everything is pretty quick, in case you want to undo the process.
  • It is possible to use it natively on the iPhone, or install an application to use the feature on Android, such as ”Hiider App”.

Privacy in the modern age

We live in a time when it is practically impossible to have complete privacy, as technology has ended up exposing all people, with their characteristics, tastes, flaws, preferences, in short, we are completely exposed every day through social media.


Even the Indians already use smartphones, it is practically impossible for a human being on earth not to exist on social networks, or who has not left any kind of trace on networks, considering that everything is currently done through the internet and applications, beyond social media.

However, the purpose of this article is to minimize as much as we can, not only in terms of posting photos and videos, but also on social media mainly, it is worth remembering that it is possible to configure your social media to have much more privacy.

How to download the app

If you want to download the application to have more privacy on your smartphone, just enter your "Play Store" store and download applications from this category, remembering that this store is compatible with Android system users. It really is very easy.

For more accessible information about important apps, visit our apps category. It is worth remembering that iPhone users, that is, those who have an "iOS" system, do not need to download any type of application to hide their files, as the feature is already native.

Good luck!