How to improve the signal of your wifi connection?


have a connection wifi nowadays, it is almost essential, not to say almost mandatory, because the modern era has arrived, and with it, everything that existed in physical life is moving to digital platforms, that is, a good internet with a relevant speed, it is in short importance for carrying out day-to-day tasks.

Although in the last three years, connections wifi have improved considerably, some users from certain regions of Brazil still complain about the instability of the internet, as well as its speed, since in many cases users claim that the contracted speed does not correspond to the speed they are using.

Exactly for that, there are some tips to improve the connection wifi , that is, to improve your internet connection as well as its speed. It is worth remembering that the internet offered by optical fiber has better results than those offered by cable or even through radio waves.

Image: (Google) WiFi

How to improve wifi connection

One of the most frequent complaints is that the wifi signal is weak in some areas of the house, usually family members start to complain that they cannot get a good and stable connection, often having to stay close to the modem to get a good connection. internet connection.

It is true that hiring a good internet plan is of paramount importance in order to have a good flow of information, however, it is also necessary to know how to choose some devices, such as a modem and router, for example, because depending on the model of these devices , your internet signal can reach further.


For this reason, before contracting a new internet service, first check if the service is offered through fiber optics, as this is the best option that exists in the national market today. Once fiber optic internet is chosen and with good speed, then it is necessary to check the capacity of the modem or router.

How to choose a good router for wifi connection

First, to find out what settings your router will need, you need to know exactly which internet plan you have purchased, because depending on the internet speed, that is, download and upload speed, the device that will best route your router will be determined. Internet signal.

There are today in the current market, routers that can support up to 100 MB per second, and others that we can pass up to 1 GB per second, for example, for this very reason it is necessary to know precisely what is the speed of your internet and the contracted service . It's worth remembering, that just ask who is offering you.

Another important tip is to know how many devices are connected to the internet at the home in question, as the more devices the higher the router frequencies need to be. There are also routers that have mesh technology, they are generally more efficient because they create a very stable signal mesh.

Improving wifi signal

Well, now that the user in question has already hired a good internet service, fiber optics, and even chosen a suitable router, let's go to the tips and you can improve your wifi signal. Considering that the wifi signal propagates through waves in a triangular shape, the distance has a great influence on the quality of the service.


For this very reason, it is necessary to choose a suitable place where the signal is propagated freely, that is, without barriers, at least a radius of 1 m. Another important tip is not to place the router in niches, in closed places, because that way the signal is already being blocked at its origin.

A simple action that greatly improves the usability of your internet is to position the router in higher places, that is, at least at shoulder height and preferably at head height, if this is not possible due to some configuration of your home, give preference to routers that use mesh technology.

Situations that interfere with the Internet signal

  • Old buildings with thick walls are usually considerable obstacles to the wifi signal, even tiles can interfere with the signal.
  • Positioning the router in question, close to mirrors, for example, or metallic objects can disrupt signal transmission.
  • Aquariums very close to the router, or even power sources, can disrupt signal performance.
  • There are other appliances and devices that also interfere with your wifi signal such as: other routers, microwaves, speakers and other wireless equipment.

Preferably for newer routers

A very important tip, when it comes to hiring your internet, choose the latest routers, with the most current technologies, as they are already updated to solve the most diverse possible problems, such as, for example, interference caused to the signal, in this case technology” Dual Band ACwifi 5” solves this problem.

There are devices that only operate in the 2.4 Ghz frequency, unfortunately these are still the most common, because this frequency is very congested it suffers much more interference, if you cannot migrate to a more current version of the router, you need to check which channel in that is currently being used less in your environment.

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