How to make a “fezinha” in the Caixa lotteries through the app


Currently in Caixa lotteries, or even through the official Caixa app, it is possible to do a little festivities and compete for millionaire prizes, this option is certainly very relevant in times of a pandemic, as it avoids queuing and crowding. It's never been so easy to make a little face without leaving home.

The “Loterias Online” website is a partner of Caixa lotteries and is ready to be accessed. The site is 100% secure, and the games are made exactly as in lottery houses, the prize is the same and the value to play is also, however, in the online mode the games must have a value of at least R$ 30.00 and a maximum of R$ 945.00 per day.

To the Caixa lotteries, accelerated the online gaming process, due to the humanitarian crisis we are experiencing, certainly the biggest in the history of Brazil and the world. Practically all sectors of the world economy had to migrate to a digital format and it was no different with lottery houses.

Caixa lotteries
Image: (Google) Caixa lotteries

How to play in Caixa lotteries online

To play the game in the virtual lottery, the user must enter the Caixa Econômica Federal accredited website, and register with their respective credit card, as the values of the games will be deducted from the card in question. It is necessary to fill everything correctly and with attention to the data.

Regarding the hours at which users can use the online system, it obeys exactly the same hours as the physical stores, that is, the user will not be able to play games at different times than the lottery houses throughout Brazil. This was a way of giving everyone the same opportunity to do their feat.


In the case of raffles, they will work in the same way, with their respective schedules. The deadline to compete is the same as well. Some users were not satisfied with these rules, as the hours to play online games could be extended or even open 24 hours.

Who can use Caixa lottery tickets online

First of all, remember that to make a little face online, you must be of legal age, that is, be 18 years old, and the user's CPF must also be active. It is also good to know that it is not possible to make games of any category for third parties. Only the CPF holder can use it.

It must be remembered that credit cards are only accepted on the digital platform, so there is no point in entering the platform and registering and trying to place a prepaid card that the system will not accept. Stay tuned for all mandatory basic requirements in the lottery virtual mode.

Therefore, if the user is of legal age, and has his registration duly completed and approved by the site in question, and still does not play games for third parties, the user will be able to do his little festivities calmly, and compete for prizes equally in relation to the users who use the physical lottery.

How to make a lottery game through the app

  • First, download the “Loterias” application from Caixa.
  • Then register by filling out the forms and registering a credit card.
  • After that, the user needs to log in to the application.
  • When opening the screen, the user will need to choose which modality he wants to do a little face.
  • After that it's time to choose the lucky numbers, according to the chosen game, the app itself defines how many numbers can be chosen
  • In the case of the mega sena, if the user wants to choose more than 6 numbers, he will have to pay more, as is done in physical lotteries, in the same way the app will show the value and quantity of numbers.
  • After choosing the numbers, add them to the shopping cart, you will need to spend at least R$30.00 to use the online service.
  • Then make the payment by informing the numbers of your registered credit card, as soon as the operator confirms, in a few seconds everything will be finalized, then just follow the draw on the official channels.

What is the risk in making an online game

Security systems today, when we talk about the virtual world, are very advanced and hardly anyone can circumvent this system and cause any harm to the user in question, it is clear that nothing in this life is 100% safe, this metric also applies to the world virtual.


Online security today is practically inviolable, both bank applications that are super safe, and most online purchases, the biggest risk is the user passing the password to third parties or even leaving the cell phone open in purchase apps, or in some way bank, and the person takes advantage of it.

The tip is never to pass your password on to third parties, and also leave your cell phone always locked and close to you, preferably in your pocket or in your hands. Never play games for third parties on the Caixa lottery online platform, have you ever thought if the third party who asked you to play a game thinks he won, when, in fact, you chose the numbers?

How to download and install the app

If the user in question decides to do a little festivities online through the application, just go to the store compatible with your cell phone, in the case of Android systems, you have to go to the store play store, and type the word ”Loterias” into the search and find the official Caixa app, then just install and use it.

For IOS system users, do exactly the same procedure described above, however, you must go to the accredited Apple store, then download the application and install it, everything is very intuitive, fast and easy to do, even the most novice users in the virtual world it manages to perform the task.

For more information visit our apps category, and stay on top of all the news that are in evidence in the current Brazilian market. Good luck!