How to send resume by email on gmail mobile online


 the question of how to send resume by email on gmail mobile online, is very interesting and a very recurring question when it comes to looking for a job and being able to send all the necessary information to potential contractors via cell phone, thus making the task much easier.

Bearing in mind that, nowadays, almost all of our lives are available on social networks, that is, on our cell phones, nothing better than being able to send your CV through our cell phones as well, as it ends up helping a lot people who are looking for a job, as well as Contractors also end up receiving more proposals and can evaluate them carefully.

In this article, we will learn how to send resume by email on gmail mobile online, it is worth remembering that we are experiencing one of the biggest financial recessions in history due to the biggest humanitarian crisis of the century caused by the pandemic, but even with the crisis, there are still job opportunities.

Image: (Google) How to send resume by email by cell phone gmail Online

Learn how to send resume by email from mobile gmail online

In order for the user to be able to correctly send his resume through gmail, it is necessary to follow more or less the same steps that users follow when they want to attach any file, however, there are some details that must be paid special attention.

The first big tip is to know, for example, what would be the best file format that employers use, and in the subject field of the email, what is best to put? Throughout these files we will talk about the main requirements to create a special remarkable email.


It is worth remembering that winning a job is closely related to the quality of the applicant's resume for the job, as the more qualified the applicant, the easier it will be to get a job and also with better wages.

Step by step – How to send resume by email from gmail mobile online

  • First you need to access gmail through a computer, exactly the same way you always did to access your email.
  • Now click on the 'compose' option to be given the option to send a new email.
  • In the "subject" field, it is essential to write the word resume, as well as your name, and the desired vacancy.
  • It is also necessary to put all this information in the body of the email in question, however, it is necessary to present a small introductory message, exactly as is done in a professional introductory letter.
  • It needs to be formal, but just right.
  • And finally, you need to save the file in PDF, as this is the format most used by employers.

Other information

The other precautions that applicants for a job should take are routine and normal precautions when sending an email, such as attaching a file, for example. When you finish filling in the email with the subject and the body of the email, click on the "paper clips" icon to attach your resume in PDF format.

After clicking on the icon, you will be directed to look for the file on your computer, look for the folder where the file is located, open it and click on the file, right after the file will start to be included in the email, you need to wait a few seconds.

Ready! Your file is properly attached, bearing in mind that you have already correctly filled in the subject field of the email, and also correctly filled in the body of the email through the tips given in this article, and making sure that your resume in PDF format has been properly attached, just click send.

Doing the same process on mobile

If the user is using their own smartphone browser, they can follow the tips listed above, now for users who have already installed the gmail application on their cell phone, which is available for both Android and iPhone, just do the following.


First you need to open your gmail application, then you need to click write, then click attach if you are on Android, choose attach file, now just select your resume in PDF format that is saved on your mobile device.

It is worth remembering that to fill in the "subject" field or the "body of the email", just follow the steps taught in this article, as the only difference is that you will be doing it on your cell phone instead of doing it on a computer. Everything is very simple to do.

Is it safe to send resume over the internet?

Nowadays, with the amount of emails that are sent daily by everyone, data security protocols are really working amazingly, however, it is worth remembering that the process is not perfect, it may have a small chance of loss of your data.

However, this cannot be a barrier for the user to send their resumes over the internet, considering that the whole world is connected And almost all of our activities are being done through the online world, the tip is to keep an updated antivirus .

For more information about job openings, games and apps, visit our apps category. Good luck!