Video Call App – Imo


Do you know him video call app Imo? If you still don't know one of the most used video chat applications, stay tuned for the details of this article, as it is a very well downloaded application, and highly rated by users, not only in Brazil, but in the world!

The way in which we communicate has been changing with each passing year, nowadays, few people use the already archaic telephone, considering that it is possible to exchange quick messages through WhatsApp, for example, or make video calls with fluidity and speed.

That's why using a video call app specific, it can help you a lot in daily communications, considering that the application was developed specifically for video calls, in this way the tools are more dedicated, as well as all the resources are more intuitive.

video call app
Image: (Google) Video Call App

Imo – Video calling app

The ”Imo” application is a pleasant surprise, considering its resources and its fluidity. It is possible that you will send your video messages to your friends and family. Not to mention that it is possible to call anyone for free through the application's features.

You will be able to use your data package, be it 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi, without having to spend your package to send SMS through this platform, without a doubt, the advantages are unlimited! Bearing in mind that there are many tools that promise fluidity in the conversation, however, this application manages to be almost unbeatable in this regard.


It is worth remembering that applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, among others, make video calls, however, there are other dedicated applications, such as Google Meet, for example. For this very reason, give preference to applications dedicated to video calls.

Video Call App – Tools

  • Through Imo, you can make video calls with very high image and voice quality.
  • You can have a conversation with several friends and family at the same time, or even create public meetings for friends and co-workers.
  • You can share videos and photos in real time.
  • How about expressing yourself through stickers, and the best, totally free?
  • The application is optimized for cell phones and tablets that use the Android system.

Video calls vs phone calls

Nowadays, communication is more dynamic and faster, in view of the great development of the internet, with speeds really never imagined at the beginning of the internet era. Really, with each passing day, the speeds increase and a lot.

With that, making video calls has become something common in the daily lives of Brazilians and people with high-speed internet access, as it is often better to make a video call than to make an audio call or even a phone call.

Incidentally, people who use telephone calls today are considered by young people to be true dinosaurs of communication, given that there are other ways of communicating, faster and more interactive, with more fluidity, than a normal call.

What is the best video calling app

As we said before, preferably for applications dedicated to this purpose, considering that it will be more specific, and its tools will be more intuitive and most likely the video conversation will be much more stable, this has been verified in practice.


Facebook has been trying to improve its video call system, whether for WhatsApp, Instagram or Facebook itself, given that the company now owns these social networks. However, some apps have taken the lead when it comes to making video calls.

Without a doubt, the Imo application is at the top of this category, given the millions of downloads and positive reviews made by users, however, applications such as the giant Google, Google Meet, or Zoom, which is already famous for meetings and video conferences, are also good options when choosing a video call application.

How to download video calling app

If you want to download an application to make video calls, just enter its official application store, in the case of this application in question, it is only available for cell phones that use the Android system. So, just enter your store and search, then download and install the application.

For more information on game-changing apps, visit our apps category. It is worth remembering that video applications have features to record video calls, so before you make your image available to other people, remember that you may be being recorded, this may be disclosed later on the internet. as a form of blackmail.

Good luck!