H3N2 flu: Symptoms, how to avoid and treatment


Have you heard about H3N2 flu? Do you know your symptoms? Could you tell me what are the main ways to avoid contagion? Another interesting question, do you know the best form of treatment for this flu? We are going to show you how this flu that has alarmed people a lot works.

It is worth remembering that flu outbreaks have plagued humanity for years, and it is one of the main difficulties for governments that need to immunize people every year with vaccines against the new flu, not to mention the coronavirus, which seems to be here to stay. We will explain all the details.

Before we even understand what the H3N2 flu we need to remember to keep our immunity high, through specific food, physical exercises, in addition to being able to count on the famous green propolis, which helps a lot to increase people's immunity, having said that, let's explain this flu better.

H3N2 flu
Image: (Google) H3N2 flu

H3N2 flu – Details

First, it is necessary to remember that this is a variation of the flu that has reached several cities in Brazil. For this reason, it is necessary to identify the symptoms, so as not to confuse them with covid-19, for example. Some symptoms are classic of respiratory syndromes.

This infection caused by the H3N2 flu causes great discomfort in people who are infected, therefore, it is very dangerous for children, the elderly and people with comorbidities. This new virus ended up spreading in Brazil, due to the low flu vaccination rate.


It is worth remembering that to reduce this situation, people need to be vaccinated against the flu, which is available to everyone in Brazil, directly at the health centers in your city. That way, you can immunize yourself against this flu. There really is a need for collective responsibility.

H3N2 Flu – Important Information

Although this new virus is not included in the classic flu vaccine formula, it is necessary to vaccinate, let's explain it in detail. This H3N2 strain has been in vaccines for a long time, Butantã, for example, produces formulas for H1N1 and H3N2 and also for the influence known as type B.

Therefore, mutations occur with viruses, however, vaccines are usually still able to stop mutations. It is worth remembering that new strains can circumvent the vaccine, however, the vaccine continues to protect in order to reduce the damage that the virus can cause.

So the right word is vaccinate! Mainly in Brazil, there is a very great collective irresponsibility, as many people have not yet been vaccinated for covid-19 and much less for the common flu, that is, for the H1N1 influenza, or for any other type of flu, which is why it is necessary to vaccinate .

Symptoms of the H3N2 strain

This new strain has been called the new flu, however, the symptoms are the traditional ones, such as cough, runny nose, body pain, sore throat, weakness, headache and fever. If you have been infected by this new flu, the recommendation is that you stay in isolation for at least 7 days, in order to avoid contagion to other people.


It is also necessary to hydrate well, in addition to maintaining a healthy diet. Medications can be used to ease the symptoms. It is worth remembering that hospitals are still very full due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, however, if your condition is mild, the person can recover at home following medical advice.

In case of shortness of breath, fainting, or an uncontrollable fever followed by a seizure, then yes, you need to seek specialized help directly in hospitals. The biggest problem is that in times of coronavirus, any flu can confuse us with covid, especially flu called influenza. 

Characteristics of this strain

It is a virus that causes the flu, and can be subdivided into several species, either type A, B or C, which may still undergo other classifications or subgroups. The most common flu is type A, which are usually seasonal, it is worth remembering that this strain was first identified in 1968 in the city of Hong Kong.

All type A strains have well-defined characteristics, the "H" stands for the type of protein while the "N" shows the ability to replicate. Type B or C strains, on the other hand, end up causing milder flu conditions, type C, is the rarest strain of the group and does not concern health agents.

It is worth remembering that we are experiencing a flu outbreak, in the midst of the fight against the coronavirus, so many people are confused and afraid, however, it is necessary to make the correct diagnosis, to define the best form of treatment. You really need to be informed and attentive to all the details.

how to protect yourself

If you want to start protecting yourself from these flu epidemics, whether they are H1N1 or H3N2, or even the coronavirus, you must follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization, such as the use of masks, gel alcohol, as well as avoiding crowds, as this attitude can prevent the contagion of all these strains.

For more information and health tips, visit our applications tab, there you will find the biggest news in this area, as well as tips to protect yourself against current evils. The final tip is, avoid agglomerations, wash your hands well, hydrate, do physical exercises and try to increase your immunity.

Good luck!